Gardening in August: everything at a glance

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What can you plant and still sow in August? What flowers bloom in August? What can you harvest now? We reveal which tasks in the garden await us in August.

Vegetables ready for harvest in the garden
There is still a lot to do in August, such as harvesting vegetables [Photo: Gardens by Design/]

When the sun shines tirelessly in August, it's not just the outdoor pools that are in high season: there's also a lot of work going on in the garden. Many types of vegetables can finally be harvested, but planting and sowing is still possible in August. In addition, thanks to gardening in August, the foundation for a good harvest next year is laid for many plants. Here we tell you what work is pending and what gardening tips you should know about in August.


  • Sowing and planting in August
    • What to plant in August
    • What else can you sow in August?
  • Harvest in August: what is ripe now?
  • What blooms in August?
  • More gardening in August

Sowing and planting in August

Anyone who thinks that August is already too late to plant new plants has made a big mistake: In fact, some vegetables, as well as berries and flowers, can still be sown or sown in summer to be planted.

What to plant in August

August is not only the perfect time to snack on berries, you can also plant them wonderfully. strawberry plants (Fragaria) ideally move into their new bed at the beginning of August so that they can develop enough roots by autumn. Pay attention to the bed change so that there is no damage to the reproduction. But also for blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) August is the best time for planting. In the vegetable patch, on the other hand, you can plant fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum) which you can use in the house from the end of July. Also earlier Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis), kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes), Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) and broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italiana) can move into the bed at the beginning of August. For endive (Cichorium endivia) unfortunately the planting season ends in August: The seedlings must be placed in the bed by the end of the month at the latest so that they can thrive. Even in the ornamental garden it is still busy, because you can both the steppe candle (Eremurus) plant, as well as classic autumn bloomers like the autumn crocus (Colchium autumnale) set. Also the beautiful Madonna lily (Lilium candidum) is allowed to move to its new place in August.

Planting strawberry plants
Strawberries are planted or transplanted in August [Photo: Jurga Jot/]

Berry: strawberry, blueberry

Vegetable patch: cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, kohlrabi, fennel

ornamental plants: Gold Crocus, autumn crocus, saffron crocus, steppe candle, ornamental onion

What else can you sow in August?

Sowing is still busy in August: especially autumn crops such as Chinese cabbage, winter hedge onions (Allium fistulosum) and winter radish (Raphanus sativus var. sativus) can be sown without any problems. Plants with a short growth phase such as Lamb's lettuce (Valerianella locusta) or radishes (Raphanus sativus var. sativus) plant. In the same way you can dill (Anethum graveolens) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) sow without problems in August. who this year chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) wants to harvest, however, should hurry - the beginning of August is the last date for sowing.

But what else can you sow in August? In fact, even flowers can be sown: real chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) will captivate you with pretty flowers and an unmistakable scent next year if you plant them in August. Also the cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) can be sown at the end of August - this way it will bloom particularly early next year and delight insects with its rich supply of nectar.

Sowing lamb's lettuce in germination boxes
Lamb's lettuce can still be sown in August [Photo: Olga Miltsova/]

vegetables: Chinese cabbage, dill, chard, radish, spinach, winter onion, winter radish

salad: Lamb's lettuce

ornamental bed: Real chamomile

Tip: A hardy green manure like the shaggy vetch (Vicia villosa) (60 g / 10 m²) or clover-grass (35 g / 10 m²) can be worked into the soil in August to improve it over the winter.

Harvest in August: what is ripe now?

August is a real festival for gardeners: Hardly any other month offers so much choice of fresh fruit and vegetables. The classic seasonal vegetables in August include cucumbers (Cucumis sativus), Paprika (capsicum) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), which can now do without a greenhouse. But also different types of cabbage, beans, fennel, potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and kohlrabi are finally fresh on the table again.

Many are particularly pleased that the fruit season really starts again in August. apples (penaltydomestica), pears (Pyrus), peaches (Prunus persica) and plums (Prunus domestica) bear their ripe fruits from August. Fresh watermelons (Citrullus lanatus), but also blackberries (Rubus) and cranberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) from own cultivation. Even those who prefer something crunchy will get their money's worth, because numerous types of lettuce are ready for harvest in August.

harvested vegetables from garden
Numerous types of fruit and vegetables can be harvested in August

vegetables: Aubergines, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, broad beans, pickles, peas, fennel, potatoes, carrots, kohlrabi, chard, peppers, Parsnips, leeks, radishes, radishes, red cabbage, cucumbers, spring leeks, pointed cabbage, runner beans, celery, tomatoes, white cabbage, savoy cabbage, sweetcorn, zucchini, onions

salad: Batavia, Oak Leaf, Iceberg, Lettuce, Lollo Rosso, Dandelion, Radicchio

fruit: Apples, apricots, pears, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, plums, peaches, plums, cranberries, sweet cherries, gooseberries, sour cherries, watermelons

What blooms in August?

What would summer be without flowers? Especially during the warm summer months, the colorful play of colors of the flowers enchants us every time. But what actually blooms in August? In fact, quite a lot: For example, the sun's eye (heliopsis) lives up to its name and shines like the sun. Globe thistles (Echinops) in the bed, whose circular flowers almost seem to float. The scented nettle (Agastache foeniculum), on the other hand, with its inflorescences, provides an intense olfactory experience, Wasserdost (Eupatorium cannabinum) shows its pink flowers at the edge of the pond. Meanwhile, night owls can admire the magnificent blossoms of the magic flower (Mirabilis jalapa) admire.

But not only the perennial bed blooms in August: in the herb bed, the aromatic southernwood blooms (Artemisia abrotanum) and the spicy curry herb (Helichrysum italicum). Also the shrub chestnut (Aesculus parviflora) shows its delicate blossoms and is a focal point for numerous night owls. The Buddleia (Buddleja) wears its flower decorations and the cinnamon alder (Clethra) entices with its beautiful blossoms and an intoxicating scent of vanilla.

Flowers of a cinnamon alder plant
The cinnamon alder exudes an enchanting scent of vanilla [Photo: jumoller/]

perennials: Sweet nettle, Globe thistle, Maideneye, Evening primrose, Suneye, Sunbride, splendor candle, water daffodil, miracle flower

Herbs: curry herb, dill, southernwood, lemon balm

trees and shrubs: Blood Trumpet Tree, Buddleia, Shrub Chestnut, Cinnamon Alder

More gardening in August

Of course, when gardening in August, it’s not just about harvesting and sowing in the vegetable patch – other parts of the garden are also being worked on diligently. The garden month of August includes the following work.

Cut blackberries: After the harvest is before the harvest - since blackberries mainly bear berries on the canes formed the previous year, the two-year-old shoots should be cut just above the ground after the harvest. Only this year's shoots will be at Cut blackberries left on the bush.

Keep lawn healthy: Even in August, the lawn must not be neglected: in addition to watering, regular mowing is required to keep the grass in good condition. In addition, the lawn can slowly with a good autumn lawn fertilizer be prepared for the winter. August is also the best time to fill small gaps in the lawn with a lawn repair close.

To water: In August, it's time for water: To prevent the lawn and flowers from drying out, it should be watered regularly. In order to keep evaporation as low as possible, it is poured in the early morning or late evening hours.

tip: Even during your summer vacation, your plants need water. We'll show you how for that Plant watering on vacation can take care of.

Garden with a green lawn and blooming flowers
Maintaining and watering lawns and plants is especially important in August [Photo: Krawczyk-A-Foto/]

Cut hedges: Vigorous hedges like liguster (Ligustrum vulgare) or hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) often need a second cut in August after the first cut in June to stay in shape. But be careful: don't wait too long, the plants need enough time to regenerate before winter.

Cut lavender: To the aromatic lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) attractive and in shape, it is important to prune it regularly. If the lavender has almost completely faded at the end of August, it can be shortened by about a third.

Caring for roses: In August, flowered side shoots should be shortened on breeding roses to stimulate the formation of new flowers. In addition, roses are fertilized one last time in August before winter. As Fertilize roses properly, you can learn in this article.

Divide perennials: If you want to share perennials that flowered in early summer or spring, August is the perfect time of year. Try to damage as few roots as possible when dividing, so the plants will grow back better later.

Shorten faded daylilies: Is the flowering time of the beautiful daylily (Hemerocallis) over, their foliage begins to turn an unsightly brown. Once this is done, the daylilies should be cut back about 10 to 15 centimeters from the ground - pruning the daylilies encourages the growth of new, fresh leaves at the base.

Cut walnut: As a rule, walnut trees (Juglans regia) also looks good without a cut, but if a cut is due, it should be done in August. The reason for this is that the heavily bleeding wounds lose less fluid in August than in the other months.

Fertilize tomatoes: If you want to look forward to a rich tomato harvest, you can use fertilizer again in August: Only if the plants with sufficient nutrients from a good fertilizer, such as the mostly organic one Plantura organic tomato fertilizer, are supplied, they can also bring the maximum yield.

Even though summer is slowly making way for autumn, the gardening season is far from over. which Gardening in September pending, you will find out in this article.