Yarrow species and varieties: Our top 9

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Yarrows are floriferous and easy-care perennials with a wide range of growth heights and flower colors. We present the most beautiful types and varieties of yarrow.

pink yarrows
Yarrows are adaptable, flowering perennials for any garden [Photo: Lois GoBe/ Shutterstock.com]

The genus of yarrow is diverse and includes many adaptable species for almost any location. In this article we will introduce you to the most important types of yarrow and popular varieties.


  • Yarrow: flowering period and properties
  • The most important yarrow species and varieties
    • Bertram's sheaf (Achillea ptarmica)
    • Dalmatian silver sheaf (Achillea ageratifolia)
    • Yarrow (Achillea nobilis)
    • Common yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
    • Golden Sheaf (Achillea filipendulina)
    • Goldwhorl Sheaf (Achillea clypeolata)
    • Greek silver sheaf (Achillea umbellata)
    • Musk yarrow (Achillea moschata)
    • Carpet yarrow (Achillea tomentosa)

Yarrow: flowering period and properties

yarrows (Achillea) belong to the large daisy family (Asteraceae). Except for the Bertramsgarbe (Achillea ptarmica

) the various yarrow species prefer predominantly sunny, warm and permeable, loose and dry locations. They grow between 5 and 80 cm high and often smell spicy and aromatic.
The flowers, arranged in umbels or umbels, can be white, yellow, orange, red or pink in color. Depending on the species and variety, the flowering period of the yarrow begins between May and June. Bees and other pollinating insects are attracted to the often large, plate-like inflorescences.
If cut back after the first flowering, the yarrow herb often shows a second flowering in September. Yarrows are ideal as cut and dried flowers, some species are also used as medicinal plants.

The most important yarrow species and varieties

The various yarrow species differ in growth height, flower color and size as well as in their location requirements. We give an overview of the most beautiful yarrow species and varieties for the garden.

Bertrams sheaf (Achillea ptarmica)

The Bertram's sheaf is also known as the swamp sheaf because it grows along watercourses on fresh to moist and even waterlogged soil. It drives offshoots and can spread well in suitable locations. The small leaves of this yarrow are narrow, lanceolate and serrate at the leaf edge.

  • ‘Nana Compacta’: Dwarf swamp sheaf with dense, squat growth and no runners. It grows up to 30 cm tall and produces large clustered white flowers. Flowering begins in July and again in September after pruning.
  • ‘Snowball’: Double Bertrams sheaf with strong growth and runners. The white flowers appear from June and are held together in loose umbels.
  • ‘The Pearl’: Densely filled, white flowering Bertramsgarbe up to 60 cm high. It forms runners and can also be spread by seeds.
yellowish-white Bertram sheaf
The filled Bertramsgarbe, here the 'Snowball' variety, is often vigorous and shoots offshoots [Photo: Tatyana Mi/ Shutterstock.com]

Dalmatian silver yarrow (Achillea ageratifolia)

The Dalmatian silver sheaf is a squat, evergreen perennial native to south-eastern Europe. It usually does not grow higher than 15 cm and forms silvery grey-green leaves. The large, white individual flowers are loosely attached to long stalks, either individually or in groups, but do not form a pseudo umbel. Achillea ageratifolia blooms between May and July. It prefers calcareous, rocky soil or gravel areas in full sun. The Dalmatian silver yarrow is therefore ideal for planting in rock gardens, steppe beds and plant troughs.

creamy white dalmatian silver sheaf
The Dalmatian yarrow shows large, creamy white individual flowers from May [Photo: Vankich1/ Shutterstock.com]

Noble yarrow (Achillea nobilis)

Noble or Fragrant Yarrow is a rare, native perennial. The clumpy plant reaches a height of 30 to 50 cm and shows its creamy white, sometimes slightly overhanging cymes from May to July. The extremely finely structured grey-green leaves of the noble yarrow smell strong and aromatic. The ideal location is in full sun on dry, well-drained and rather poor soil. Rock gardens, woody edges and meager wild herb meadows are particularly suitable for planting the noble yarrow.

Noble yarrow in a field
The noble yarrow is a native wild perennial and prefers dry, rather nutrient-poor soil [Photo: AlexanderZam/ Shutterstock.com]

common yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

the common yarrow, also called common or meadow yarrow, is a widespread native perennial. The small pinnate leaves of this yarrow smell pleasantly aromatic. It spreads via runners and originally shows white inflorescences on plants 40 to 70 cm high. The flowering time of the common yarrow is between June and August. It prefers moderately acidic to neutral, well-drained, humus-rich and sunny locations. Parts of the plant, such as leaves and flowers, are used in herbal medicine to promote digestion, relieve cramps and reduce inflammation.

  • ‘Cherry Queen’: Yarrow variety with pink petals that lighten to a soft pink hue as they fade. The perennial, up to 70 cm high, forms runners.
  • ‘Salmon Beauty’: Yarrow with salmon pink flowers fading to creamy white as they fade. It has very finely structured foliage and reaches a height of up to 60 cm.
  • 'Paprika': Red yarrow with flowers up to 10 cm in size and a growth height of 40 to 60 cm. The strong flower color changes to washed-out orange and sulfur yellow as it fades.
  • ‘Snow Taler’: White yarrow grows up to 60 cm tall and blooms from June to August. The upright and clumpy growing Achillea-Variety is well suited as a cut flower.
The yarrow variety 'Paprika' shines in deep red [Photo: Jennifer Yakey-Ault/ Shutterstock.com]

gold sheaf (Achillea filipendulina)

The gold sheaf or noble sheaf originally comes from Asia and the Caucasus region. It reaches a height of 60 to 120 cm, flowers from June to July and again in September if cut back. The clumpy perennial forms finely feathered green to felty grey-green foliage and typically golden-yellow inflorescences. The golden sheaf prefers full sun to light locations on well-drained, humus-rich, fresh and nutrient-rich soil. It is particularly suitable as a long-lasting cut flower if the inflorescences have not yet fully opened when cut. Different varieties of golden sheaf can also produce white, light or sulfur yellow, salmon-colored or fiery red flowers. Many Goldgarben varieties are hybrids from crosses between Achillea filipendulina and Achillea millefolium – like most of the varieties that we present below. In addition to a yellow hue, you can also develop white and red flower colors.

  • ‘Coronation Gold’: Goldgarben variety up to 70 cm tall with sun-yellow inflorescences. If cut back early after the first flowering, this variety will easily produce a second one by September and is therefore also suitable for cultivation as a cut flower.
  • ‘Creed’:Achillea filipendulina- Hybrid with initially bright light yellow inflorescences, which fade to a creamy yellow during flowering and appear almost white when they fade. The stable variety, which was awarded top marks in the perennial inspection, grows to a height of around 80 cm.
  • ‘Helios’: Golden sheaf hybrid with lemon-yellow flowers and comparatively graceful growth up to 60 cm in height. The perennial grows compact and is stable.
  • 'Fire land':Achillea filipendulina-Hybrid with fiery red petals and yellow center. The variety is 80 to 100 cm high and grows in clumps without runners.
flaming red-orange flowers of Golden Sheaf
The Achillea hybrid variety 'Feuerland' shows flaming red-orange flowers with a yellow center [Photo: Ralf Liebhold/ Shutterstock.com]

Goldwhirl Sheaf (Achillea clypeolata)

The Goldquirl sheaf originally comes from the Balkans and is closely related to the local variety Achillea millefolium related. It grows to a height of 20 to 60 cm and is particularly noticeable because of its felt-like, grey-green leaves. The small sun to sulphur-yellow inflorescences appear between June and July, and again in September if cut back. The yellow yarrow species prefers dry, permeable and nutrient-rich soil in sunny locations. The compact growing perennial is ideal for steppes and stone beds. A popular variety, for example, is the hybrid 'Moonshine' with long-lasting sulfur yellow flowers.

yellow flowers of the gold whorl sheaf
The gold whorl sheaf forms only yellow flowers, like the variety 'Moonshine' here [Photo: Sergey V Kalyakin/ Shutterstock.com]

Greek Silver Sheaf (Achillea umbellata)

The Greek silver sheaf grows low and mat-like up to 15 cm in height. It is hardy down to -20 °C and extremely robust against drought and heat. The comparatively large, silvery-white individual flowers sit in groups in loose, umbel-like inflorescences and bloom between June and July. Their silvery hairy leaves do not die off, but remain in place throughout the winter. It is ideal for planting in rock gardens and troughs, but needs good drainage and only occasional watering.

white flowers of Greek silver sheaf
Greek silver sheaf is a heat and drought tolerant, cushion-forming perennial [Photo: cristo95/ Shutterstock.com]

Musk Yarrow (Achillea moschata)

The musk yarrow is originally native to the Alps up to an altitude of 3400 meters and reaches a growth height of 5 to 20 cm. It prefers loamy, lime-poor, stony soils and scree surfaces in full sun. The strongly scented perennials show glandular dotted, pinnate leaves and white individual flowers in loose umbels. The flowering period begins in June and lasts until August. Musk Yarrow is ideal for planting in rock gardens and crevices in walls.

Musk Yarrow is in the Alps
The slow-growing musk yarrow is native to the Alps and flowers between June and August [Photo: Werner Spiess/ Shutterstock.com]

Carpet Yarrow (Achillea tomentosa)

Carpet yarrow is native to southern Europe and western Asia. It forms flat, up to 15 cm high and 30 cm wide, slow-growing, mat-like pads and grey, felt-like leaves. From June to July, the carpet yarrow blooms and shows golden yellow flowers. It grows on sunny, dry to fresh, well-drained and nutrient-rich soil. Achilleatomentosa is particularly suitable for rock gardens and extensive green roofs. Popular varieties are 'Aurea' and 'Golden Fleece'.

Carpet Yarrow
Carpet yarrow is ideal for planting in rock gardens and flat roofs [Photo: EQRoy/ Shutterstock.com]

In addition to yarrow, there are numerous others bee-friendly perennials, which we would like to present to you in our special article.