Pruning a pear tree: tips and tricks from the experts

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Pear trees have an impressive growth. However, this includes pruning the pear tree regularly. You can find out here what needs to be taken into account.

Pruning a pear tree
For a regular yield, the pear tree must be pruned. [Photo: eleonimages/]

Pear trees have a very characteristic and graceful growth in old age. However, the old, gnarled branches that hang down are often the result of a lack of pruning care on the pear trees. Your pear tree will thank you with more lush harvests and a longer pear tree life in your garden if you prune it regularly. We will show you how this works and give valuable tips on how to proceed correctly when pruning pear trees.


  • When to cut the pear tree?
  • Cut the pear tree correctly: instructions
  • Cutting young pear trees: this is important

When to cut the pear tree?

Just as with apple trees and many large fruit trees, it is a good idea to plant pear trees in winter (January to January). to April) or in summer (June to August) with a shaping and soothing cut make happy

It also applies to the pear tree that the base used determines the growth behavior of the pear tree. You should therefore always inquire whether the rootstock used is slow-growing or fast-growing – good specialist staff should be able to help you with advice and action. If you were able to find out about this, you should remember the following guiding principles:

Pruning the pear tree in winter
Winter pruning is the norm for pears [Photo: triocean/]
  • Prune pear trees on weakly growing rootstock in winter
    A winter pruning encourages the new growth of pear trees that have been grafted on a weakly growing rootstock. A cut in the summer would rob the weakly growing tree of too much energy. As a result, the fruits hanging on the tree may no longer be adequately supplied with assimilates that come from the photosynthesis taking place in the leaves.
  • Prune pear trees on strong growing rootstock in summer
    If a fast-growing pear tree is pruned in winter, it will also encourage its budding and growth. Consequently, growth would be uncontrolled and the tree would lose its shape. A controlled pruning in the summer, on the other hand, can curb the already strong growth. A summer cut is also a good idea if you cut back a little too much in winter and the new growth is clearly too lush.

Cut the pear tree correctly: instructions

As already mentioned, pear trees can attract attention with their very special growth form in old age. The branches grow comparatively close to the trunk - in the first years towards the sky, in old age more inclined towards the ground. Even if this growth form seems enchanted and graceful, it is not really desirable. With the right pruning, a rather wide-growing crown with branches that grow more horizontally should also be formed in a pear tree. The following should therefore be observed when pruning a pear tree:

Pruning of the pear tree
The right tool is important for a clean cut. [Photo: photowind/]
  • Shorten the crown regularly and always remove competing shoots
  • Shorten downward growing shoots
  • Remove deadwood
  • Strong leading branches can be generously shortened in winter pruning. The new shoots must then be pruned selectively and without fear in the summer - up to two thirds of the newly sprouting branches can give way
  • Always remove old fruit-bearing wood
  • If necessary, also cut out stronger branches in old age if they take away too much light from the rest of the tree
These products are ideal for trimming your shrubs, hedges and trees:
  • Felco secateurs: Manual lace pruning shears recommended for all types of pruning. In addition to plastic-coated handles, it has a precision adjustment system for the blade and anvil.
  • Felco fruit tree and secateurs: Heavy duty fruit tree and secateurs with wire cutter, sap groove and micrometer adjustment.
  • Gardena telescopic arm scissors: Practical pruning shears for effortless cutting of tall trees and dense shrubs from the ground.
Felco Secateurs No 11, Red, 210mm, 250g

Felco Secateurs No 11, Red, 210mm, 250g


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Felco Orchard And Secateurs No 6

Felco Orchard And Secateurs No 6


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GARDENA Telescope StarCut 410 plus

GARDENA Telescope StarCut 410 plus


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Cutting young pear trees: this is important

The foundation for proper growth is laid at a young age. It is the same with pear trees. In order to maintain good growth in the long term, a pear tree must be pruned properly early on.

Pruning the pear tree

  • Designate three to four side shoots as leading branches. Cut off the remaining branches directly at the trunk
  • Shorten side shoots and thus promote branching of the shoots designated as main branches
  • Shorten the main shoot and thus promote the formation of the crown

Educational pruning at the pear tree

  • Always cut out branches competing with the main shoot
  • Always cut out shoots that shoot up steeply
  • Shorten or cut out shoots that grow towards the ground
  • Shorten the main branches, but do not shorten the side shoots coming off the main branches
cutting giraffe
A "cutting giraffe" makes it easier to work from the ground [Photo: Brian A Jackson/]

With these tips, the upbringing of a young pear tree should be successful and a beautiful, healthy and productive growth habit can be achieved. If you want more Planting a pear tree If you want to know more, you can read more here.

Do you still have it apple tree, cherry tree, plum tree and or peach building in your garden that also want to be cut? Then read our special article on how to Pruning fruit trees properly should.