Pine bark: 15 reasons for pine bark mulch

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Pine bark mulch - title

table of contents

  • Mulch from pine bark
  • What speaks for pine bark
  • Which limits the use
  • Not all plants tolerate bark mulch
  • Different grain sizes
  • Recommended layer thicknesses
  • frequently asked Questions

Many hobby gardeners swear by the use of bark mulch, for example made from the chopped bark of native pines. This mulch has many positive properties for the soil and plants, provided that a few basic things are observed.

In a nutshell

  • Bark mulch is a waste product in forestry
  • It is mainly made from the bark of local pine
  • Mulch is available in different grain sizes and qualities
  • The layer thickness depends on the grain size and size of the area to be covered
  • High-quality mulch is usually natural and without artificial additives

Mulch from pine bark

Bark mulch is made from the bark of native conifers such as pine, Spruce and Douglas fir, the pine being the most commonly used. In order to get the maximum benefit from this natural material, the area in question should be cleared of root weeds before spreading. Since pine bark mulch removes nitrogen from the soil, it is important to fertilize the soil appropriately beforehand. In addition, you should pay attention to the optimal layer thickness and the correct grain size. This is the only way to use the positive properties of pine bark mulch and minimize risks.

Pine bark works well for bark mulch

What speaks for pine bark

  • Suitable for all floors
  • Improves soil structure and soil fertility
  • Protection against dehydration and evaporation, heat, frost and erosion
  • Better regulation of the heat and water balance in the soil
  • Guarantees a good exchange of air
  • Prevents silting up of the soil
  • Promotes soil life
  • Becomes valuable humus through decomposition
  • Use of fertilizers can be reduced
  • Contains tannic acid, which inhibits the germination of seed weeds
  • Provides optimal surefootedness, especially when it is wet
  • Barky structure and high resin content
  • This makes it more weather-resistant than other types of mulch
  • Lower CO2 emissions thanks to shorter journeys
  • More sustainable and cheaper than, for example, mulch made from pine bark

Which limits the use

  • Pine bark rots much faster than pine bark
  • Removes nitrogen from the soil
  • Previous compensatory fertilization in the form of horn shavings required
  • Not all plants tolerate bark mulch
  • Snails are attracted
  • Fungi can spread
  • Root weeds cannot be prevented or be fought
  • Material must be renewed regularly

Not all plants tolerate bark mulch

Pine bark mulch is a good thing, but not a panacea because not all plants can tolerate it. The deprivation of nitrogen primarily endangers young plants that need sufficient sunlight and those that have superficial roots, so-called shallow roots. People who love mulching should also avoid mulching in drought conditions. B. Rock garden- and prairie plants as well as in alpine species and in vegetable patches. Furthermore, roses, bed perennials, lavender and many Mediterranean herbs should remain free of mulch. In contrast, bark mulch is for acid and humus-loving species such as hydrangeas or Rhododendrons We recommend.

Lavender is a fragrant plant

Different grain sizes

Fine 10-20 mm

Fine grains tend to compress more easily. In addition, fine pieces of mulch dissolve faster than coarse-grained ones. Mulch with this grain size is perfect for flower pots and planters. However, it must be renewed or replaced after about nine months. be re-applied.

Medium to coarse 20-60 mm

Medium to coarse-grain mulch is very suitable for covering smaller areas between Flowers and bushes, slopes that are difficult to maintain and for small paths between shrubs or the Pond edge. The shelf life of pine bark mulch with this grain size is around 15 months.

Very coarse (pipe bark) 60-120 mm

Mulch from pines with such a coarse structure is also ideal for decorative purposes thanks to its intense, red-brown color. It can be used to cover large areas, for example in the course of nature conservation measures. With this grain size, bark mulch lasts up to 18 months.

Tip: In principle, the larger the area to be mulched, the larger the grain size.

Pine bark mulch

Recommended layer thicknesses

So that pine bark mulch can develop all its positive properties in the garden, it should be applied in a layer thickness of five to ten centimeters. The optimal thickness is between five and seven centimeters. To suppress weeds, a height of eight centimeters is recommended. When used as a road surface, the layer should be at least two centimeters high in the compacted state.
The thicker the mulch, the better its insulating properties. However, a layer of mulch should not be higher than 15 cm, otherwise the plants could rot or mold could develop due to a lack of ventilation. However, it should not be too thin either, because then it cannot prevent unwanted weed growth. In the case of trees, care should be taken not to mulch right up to the trunk, but to keep a distance of 10 to 15 cm. The best time to apply pine bark mulch is in early spring or autumn.

frequently asked Questions

How is bark mulch applied?

First, loosen the soil thoroughly and remove all weeds. It is important to also remove the entire root system. A weed fleece, which is then laid out on the surface, is particularly effective. Then you make small incisions and insert the plants. Finally, mulch is spread over the fleece in the correct grain size and height.

Why should you use pine bark?

The advantages of mulch made from pine bark over other types of bark are primarily its barky structure, the high resin content and its good weather resistance. Not to forget its beautiful appearance and the pleasant smell.

What is the difference between pine and pine bark?

The pine is not a native softwood. Since it has to be imported, it is usually significantly more expensive than the bark of pine wood, which also reduces its sustainability. The pine tree contains less tannic acid, making it less effective at controlling weeds. On the other hand, it does not change the pH value of the soil as much. It also rots more slowly. Like pine bark, pine bark also has advantages and disadvantages.

What should you pay attention to when buying?

When buying bark mulch, one should pay particular attention to quality. It should be clear on the packaging that it is exclusively pine bark without any additives. The RAL seal of approval is an indication of high-quality mulch. Another important factor is the cadmium content. That should be less than 1.5 mg per kilogram.