Hibiscus hedge: cutting, planting & Co.

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With hibiscus you can easily achieve a great privacy screen. We give tips on suitable varieties and the right cut of a hibiscus hedge.

Hibiscus hedge in the garden
A hibiscus hedge brings a true bloom to the garden [Photo: YanaKotina/ Shutterstock.com]

hibiscus (Hibiscus) blooms in the most beautiful colors from June. Whether blue, white or pink - the variety of hibiscus is large and some varieties are even suitable for creating a hedge. Hibiscus hedges not only bring a bright variety of colors to your garden, but also provide good privacy protection. So that a hibiscus hedge will soon decorate your garden, you only have to pay attention to a few tricks. In this article you will find out which varieties are suitable for a hedge, how to create and care for a hibiscus hedge.


  • The Hibiscus Hedge: An Overview
  • Hibiscus hedge: suitable varieties
    • Varieties of garden hibiscus for a hedge:
    • Varieties of almond hibiscus for a hedge:
  • Plant a hibiscus hedge
  • Maintain hibiscus hedge
  • Cut hibiscus hedge

The Hibiscus Hedge: An Overview

Hedges in the garden do not always have to be green. The hibiscus provides the best evidence to the contrary: With its colorful blossoms, it brings color to our gardens and, as a hedge, also offers a habitat for many insects and birds. The hibiscus from Asia - in German marshmallow - belongs to the mallow family (Malvaceae). Hibiscus plants are fast-growing and with their dense foliage they protect you from prying eyes. In addition, the low demands of the hibiscus and its high tolerance to pruning make it the ideal hedge plant.

Hibiscus hedge: suitable varieties

There is a large variety of hibiscus varieties. But not all hibiscus species are well suited for a hedge. Since the hibiscus hedge lasts all year round outdoors, the hibiscus variety for a hedge must be frost-resistant in any case. The garden marshmallow (Hibiscus syriacus) is particularly suitable for a hibiscus hedge, for example. But also varieties of almond marshmallow (Hibiscus mutabilis) can be used for a hedge. Both species can grow up to two meters high and are very tolerant of pruning. Below we have compiled some hardy varieties that are particularly suitable for a hibiscus hedge.

Purple hibiscus with drops
Hardy varieties of hibiscus are perfect for a hedge [Photo: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH/ Shutterstock.com]

Varieties of garden hibiscus for a hedge:

  • 'Bluebird': This variety bears large blue flowers early in the year. It is strong-growing and particularly hardy.
  • 'Duke of Brabant': This hibiscus variety grows tall, bushy and can reach up to three meters in height. The funnel-shaped flowers range in shade from deep red to purplish red and bloom from July to October.
  • 'Russian Violet': The 'Russian Violett' variety is also very fast-growing. The flowers are pink to red-violet. Flowering time is from July to early October.

Varieties of almond hibiscus for a hedge:

  • 'Shanghai Pink': This is a hardy variety with a profusion of pink to deep pink flowers. The hibiscus is hardy down to -15 °C.
  • 'doubles': This variety is vigorous and bushy. The flower color changes from white to pink to red.

A comprehensive overview of the rich variety of hibiscus you'll find here.

Plant a hibiscus hedge

Like solitary hibiscus plants, hibiscus hedges prefer a sunny to partially shaded and wind-protected location. Hibiscus hedges prefer to grow in permeable and nutrient-rich soil. A nutrient-poor soil can be enriched with humus-rich potting soil or compost. The best time to plant is in spring, as soon as frost is no longer to be expected (a good guideline is the ice saints in mid-May).

hand holding shovel
To plant the hibiscus hedge, the planned route is marked with a string [Photo: domturner/ Shutterstock.com]

It is best to mark the course of the planned hedge with a string before planting. The planting distance should be 60 centimeters between the plants so that your hedge is nice and dense. You can either dig a separate planting hole for each plant or dig a ditch about 50 centimeters deep along the entire length of the hedge. Then the plants are planted and watered well.

Summary of planting hibiscus hedges:

  • Location: Sunny and sheltered from the wind
  • Substrate: Well drained and rich in nutrients
  • Planting distance: 60 cm
  • Planting depth: 50 cm

Tip: Don't just use one variety or color for your hedge. Planting different hibiscus varieties can create a colorful play of colors in your garden that is guaranteed to draw everyone's attention.

A detailed guide to Planting Hibiscus and its propagation can be found here.

Maintain hibiscus hedge

Even though hibiscus hedges are considered easy to maintain, you should not neglect yours and maintain them regularly. The most important part of caring for hibiscus is watering. It is best to keep freshly planted hibiscus hedges constantly moist for two weeks. If the hibiscus is too dry, it quickly reacts by shedding its leaves. At the latest, you should take hanging leaves as a sign to water quickly and thus protect your hibiscus hedge from drying out.

Our Plantura organic flower fertilizer optimally cares for your hibiscus hedge and also promotes soil life

In the spring you can regularly strengthen your hedge with fertilizer. An organic fertilizer slowly releases the nutrients to the plants and supports healthy soil life. Ours, for example, is suitable for hibiscus hedges Plantura organic flower fertilizer with organic long-term effect, which consists mainly of plant-based raw materials. If you discover signs of disease or pests, it is better to remove the affected parts of the plant immediately. In this way, diseases or pests cannot spread to the entire hedge.

Summary of maintaining hibiscus hedges:

  • Keep consistently moist after planting
  • Then water regularly
  • Fertilize in spring
  • Remove diseased/infested plant parts immediately

What at the Care of hibiscus You can find out more about other things to watch out for in our special article.

Cut hibiscus hedge

The vigorous growth of your hibiscus hedge means it will need to be trimmed back annually. This topiary causes a compact growth and promotes flowering. The ideal time to cut your hibiscus hedge is spring, before the leaves sprout. Cut back your hedge by a good third. Frozen and damaged branches can also be cut off. Branches that are diseased or infested by pests and dead shoots should be removed throughout the year.

Man cuts hibiscus
Annual pruning is part of hibiscus care [Photo: NagyG/ Shutterstock.com]

Summary cutting hibiscus hedges:

  • Cut back by a third in spring
  • The flowers develop on annual shoots
  • Remove diseased and dead shoots all year round

A detailed guide to Slicing your hibiscus you'll find here.

You can find more exciting plants that are also very suitable for a flowering hedge here in our article Plants as a privacy screen.