General care of plants

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Caring for plants - pruningPlants are living things. And like all other living beings, they have individual demands on their environment. The location, the sun exposure, the substrate composition. But also to the food, the fertilizer, the water requirement and so on. And only if you know the individual needs of plants, their basic nature, their details and their requirements, will they thrive. Proper care of plants and the so-called green thumb. Because they are inseparable.
The difficult thing for beginners in planting large areas, be it indoors or outdoors, cold frames or greenhouses, climbing plants, bulbs, seeds, cuttings etc.
However, not only accumulating knowledge, what and how and, above all, why is important for the hobbyist in the green field. It is also important to know how much care the beautiful looking plant will need afterwards. The one who likes to have plants around him, but of the easy-care kind, will not be particularly built if his own garden needs a minimum of him for one day of the weekend. Planning through extensive knowledge in advance is also decisive for the feel-good factor with its plants, the flower children.

Find out here how to properly plant a flower box, for example, which types of plants there are, which annual, biennial and perennial plants are suitable. A plant and flower lexicon with current information on many plants can also be found in this section. Plants and plant families are determined and useful tips are given. Mention should also be made of the plant forum on There you can ask questions about plants, which are then answered by other members.