Can dogs eat raspberries?

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table of contents

  • Can dogs eat raspberries?
  • Raspberries are healthy!
  • Why feed dogs raspberries?
  • How to feed raspberries to dogs?
  • frequently asked Questions

Raspberries are not only extremely tasty, but also healthy. Read here whether they are also edible for dogs.

In a nutshell

  • Raspberries are rich in vitamins and minerals
  • also highly recommended for dogs
  • Feed fresh or dried
  • feed only in small quantities

Can dogs eat raspberries?

Raspberries are not poisonous to dogs, which is why you can generally feed the fruit to your pet. Do not feed too much, however, as excessive amounts of raspberries can cause diarrhea. It is best to let your dog taste a small piece of raspberry to see if he likes it. In this way you can also determine whether your dog can tolerate raspberries or whether he is allergic to them. Possible symptoms include:

  • diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Flatulence
  • Stomach cramps
  • itching
Dog & raspberries

Raspberries are healthy!

Raspberries are also very popular with dogs because of their intense taste. But they are also very healthy and very low in calories with around 33 calories per 100 grams of raspberries. The small fruits consist of around 85 percent water and provide a number of important vitamins and minerals, such as:

  • Vitamins A, C and E.
  • Iron, calcium and magnesium
  • Flavones and Folic Acid
  • Fiber

Note: Dietary fiber not only has a filling effect, it also promotes healthy digestion.

Why feed dogs raspberries?

All of the valuable vitamins and minerals promote dog health by strengthening the immune system. Raspberries also have anti-inflammatory, appetizing and diuretic effects. The consumption of raspberries can also provide relief for gastrointestinal complaints, inflammation in the mouth and throat and flatulence. On top of that, the fruits have a cycle-regulating effect and can therefore have a positive effect on heat. Also worth mentioning are the contained substances ellagic acid and anthocyanins, which are said to have cancer-reducing properties. So all in all, raspberries are an extremely good choice for dogs!

How to feed raspberries to dogs?

Raspberries are very healthy, but they are by no means a staple food for dogs. Rather, they are suitable to supplement dog food. For example, you can pour dried raspberry leaves into a tea and offer it to your dog after it has cooled down. You can also mix the dried leaves into the dog food. But it is even better to feed the fruit fresh. Mix this with the food or let your four-legged friend nibble on the fruits directly from the bush. But pay attention to the following:

  • The raspberry bush should not be sprayed
  • Wash fruits well before consumption
  • Use raspberries from the edge of the forest with caution
  • can with Fox tapeworm be infected
Dog with raspberries

Note: Raspberries are often found in wet and dry food.

frequently asked Questions

Can dogs also eat other fruit?

Yes, dogs can snack on numerous other berries in addition to raspberries. These include blackberries, strawberries, currants and gooseberries. Other fruits, such as bananas, pears and cherries, are also healthy snacks for the fur noses.

Can pregnant bitches eat raspberries?

Yes, pregnant or pregnant bitches are also allowed to eat raspberries and their leaves - this is even recommended. Because eating raspberries in the last third of pregnancy can make labor easier. Even after the birth, you can continue to feed your dog raspberry leaves to stimulate milk production.

How long can raspberries keep?

The fruit will keep for a few days in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, but if it is preserved, the shelf life is significantly longer. Frozen and dried, the fruits can be enjoyed for six months and often even longer.

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