Pull broccoli sprouts yourself: instructions

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Broccoli sprouts are healthy, tasty, and easy to grow. The hot and spicy broccoli sprouts are a nice addition to many dishes, especially in winter.

Broccoli and broccoli sprouts
Broccoli can also be enjoyed as sprouts [Photo: CGissemann/ Shutterstock.com]

In addition to the well-known bean sprouts, a variety of other plants are also suitable for the sprout cultivation. Broccoli sprouts are particularly popular. They are healthy and easy to cultivate. In this article you will learn how to grow broccoli sprouts yourself and what health benefits they bring.


  • What are broccoli sprouts?
  • Grow your own broccoli sprouts
  • How Healthy Are Broccoli Sprouts?

What are broccoli sprouts?

Sprouts or seedlings are seeds that have just germinated. No light is required for germination, which means that the sprouts usually get a yellow to white colour. The cotyledons are already visible, but not yet fully developed. After a few days, the sprouts are ready to eat. In the kitchen, the broccoli seedlings can be used in salads, wraps, soups or on bread. They are slightly spicy and taste like cabbage.

Broccoli seedlings
Broccoli sprouts germinate without much light [Photo: yMediaPhotography/ Shutterstock.com]

Tip: In addition to broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italiana) sprouts can also be made from soya (Glycine max), Lenses (Lens culinaris), Mustard (sinapsis) or alfalfa (Medicago sativa) getting produced. You can find an overview of suitable sprout types and their health benefits in our article about sprouts.

Grow your own broccoli sprouts

To grow your own broccoli sprouts, you need a container for germinating, seeds, water and a little patience. In the trade one finds germ shells or sprout glasses, which make germination easier - but a clean mason jar and a filter cloth to cover it works just as well. The optimal germination temperature for broccoli seedlings is between 18 and 22 °C. It is important to always pay attention to hygiene during all work. The humid and warm conditions are also optimal for the growth of fungi and bacteria.

Instructions: Germinate broccoli sprouts

  1. Wash the broccoli seeds with plenty of tap water, for example in a colander.
  2. The seeds are then soaked in water for 6-8 hours. If a sprout jar is used, the seed can be allowed to swell in the jar.
  3. Pour off the water. If a germination bowl is used, the seeds are now distributed in the bowl.
  4. Place the sprouting glass or germination tray in a dark, 18-22°C warm place and water the seeds at least twice a day. Tap water is poured into the glass for a few minutes and then allowed to drain again.
  5. After 3 - 5 days the broccoli sprouts are ready. The first cotyledons should be visible but not fully developed.

Tip: Sprouts do not keep very long and should be consumed quickly. The sprouts will only keep for about two days in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Broccoli sprouts in a sprouting jar
Cultivating sprouts is particularly easy with a sprouting glass [Photo: Marie Shark/ Shutterstock.com]

How Healthy Are Broccoli Sprouts?

Broccoli sprouts contain comparatively high amounts of sulforophane, a so-called mustard oil, which has a high antioxidant effect. These substances help the body to prevent diseases. The sprouts also contain iron, phosphorus, calcium and zinc as well as vitamins B1, B2, C and E. However, since sprouts are usually only consumed in small quantities, they cannot replace a balanced diet, but only supplement it.

Can you eat broccoli sprouts raw? Yes you can. In contrast to sprouts from legumes such as lentils or soybeans, broccoli seedlings and other cruciferous plants (Brassicaceae) do not have to be heated in order to be easier to digest.

Broccoli sprouts on tacos
Sprouts are a delicious addition to healthy dishes [Photo: Magdanatka/ Shutterstock.com]

In addition to broccoli seeds, many other seeds are also suitable for growing sprouts. Alfalfa sprouts, for example, are very delicate, decorative and contain saponins that have a positive effect on intestinal health.