The perfect ground cover for your garden

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Is clover a good ground cover?

Clover is ideal as a ground cover because it is undemanding, easy to care for and fast-growing. Hardwearing varieties like white clover, hornwood sorrel and micro clover can even be used as lawn substitute be used. The choice of clover depends on the soil and location.

Can I use clover as a ground cover?

Klee can excellent as groundcover use, because he is quite undemanding and very easy to care for. Some varieties are evergreen. Also, clover spreads relatively quickly without you having to do much for it. In this way, a fairly large area is greened in a short time.
If you wish, you can keep the clover short without much effort or alternatively enjoy the pretty flowers. This will attract insects into your garden and make a major contribution to biodiversity.

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  • lawn substitute
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In which areas can I use clover as a ground cover?

You can use clover practically in all garden areas as ground cover, but different species prefer different ones Locations.

The is suitable for acidic soils wood sorrel (bot. Oxalis acetosella) particularly well. It originally grows in coniferous and mixed forests and hardly needs any sun. It shows its delicate white or pale pink flowers from April to June.
The white clover (bot. Trifolium repens) prefers a wet and nutrient-rich soil. It blooms from May to October. red clover grows particularly well in the sun or in the penumbra.

Is clover suitable as a lawn substitute?

Some clovers are suitable as Substitute for a lawn, but not all. On the one hand, the chosen clover should be as sturdy as possible, so that the area can actually be walked on and maybe even used as a play area by your children. On the other hand, you should opt for an evergreen species, otherwise you will only see a gray and quite bare "lawn" in autumn and winter.

Which types of clover are hardwearing?

To the hardwearing clover varieties to count:

  • white clover (bot. Oxalis acetosella): green leaves, white flowers
  • Horn-sorrel or Yellow Wood Sorrel (Oxalis corniculata): reddish leaves, yellow flowers
  • Micro or dwarf clover: a special breed of white clover that stays extra small

How do I care for my “Clover Lawn”?

Clover is generally right easy-care. If you choose the variety to suit your soil, then you have it very little work with it. If you want your clover area to stay nice and short, then weekly mowing is the order of the day. However, you then have to do without the flower. Fertilize is not necessary, since Klee himself as green manure can be used.
After heavy use, such as playing football or a family celebration on the field, you should give your clover sufficient rest and rarely or not walk on it.


Beware of overgrowth!

Many types of clover spread very quickly and persistently. So think carefully about where you plant the clover and, if necessary, mark off the area with lawn edging stones. Depending on the variety, the roots of the clover grow up to 70 centimeters deep into the ground. Therefore, clover is difficult to remove from the flower bed.