Oleander does not bloom: causes and measures

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Incorrect care can sometimes punish the oleander with missing flowers. We show what you can do when the oleander is not blooming.

Oleanders without flowers
If the oleander does not have any flowers, this can be related to care [Photo: Claudio Divizia/ Shutterstock.com]

the oleander (Nerium oleander) should be overflowing with flowers. But what if he doesn't do that? What could be the reason if the oleander does not want to unfold its splendor, and what can you do about it? The oleander is actually known for its abundance of flowers. Nevertheless, under certain circumstances it can happen that it does not bloom or only blooms a little. A mistake in maintenance is usually the cause of this.

Oleander does not bloom: the location as a cause

The most common cause is a lack of heat and light. The oleander needs a lot of sun and warmth. Therefore, first of all, check the location of your oleander. Try a slightly sunnier place, ideally in front of a house wall or stone wall. The stones heat up during the day and radiate heat back, especially at night - just the right thing for the oleander.

Too much fertilizer hinders flowering

If this cause is excluded and the location is actually optimal, then it could be that you fertilize your oleander too much. In this case, the oleander puts more energy into vegetative growth, leaving less for flowering. Over-fertilization can also often be recognized by brown leaf edges, for which an excess of nitrogen is responsible. In this case, repot your oleander so that it gets fresh and nutrient-poor substrate such as potting soil.

Oleanders in the pot
Repotting in fresh soil can help the oleander [Photo: Marijana Batinic/ Shutterstock.com]

In general, make sure that you use fertilizer with a balanced nutrient ratio. Long-term fertilizer like ours Plantura organic flower fertilizer are easier to dose as they only need to be given every two to three months.

Flower buds accidentally cut off

Another reason could be the pruning. The buds for the flowers are already created on the tips of the shoots in the previous year, even before the seeds have matured. If you then shortened the tips, you may have accidentally cut off the buds as well. We have summarized for you here how you can Properly cut oleanders.

Summary Oleander does not bloom:

Here you can find the reasons for a missing flower again at a glance.

  • Location too dark or too cool
  • excess of nitrogen
  • Wrong pruning

If you want to learn how your The best way to care for oleanders, you can read more here.