Apple variety 'Elstar': experiences with the apple tree

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table of contents

  • Apple variety 'Elstar'
  • experience
  • care
  • fruit
  • robustness
  • Harvest time
  • storage

The own apple tree in the garden, for many people it is simply part of it. Because the apple is one of the most popular fruits in Germany. Every German consumes around 20 kg on average per year. Everyone has their favorite variety. The apple variety 'Elstar' is one of the most popular varieties and can also be found in the shops among the common apple varieties. Would you like to know what experiences other hobby gardeners have already had with the Elstar apple? We have summarized a field report in the following article.

Apple variety 'Elstar'

The Elstar is a cultivar of the cultivated apple and was bred in the Netherlands in 1955. His breeding parents are the two varieties Golden Delicious and Ingrid Marie. The variety made its popularity particularly clear in 2012, as the most widely grown apple variety of the year. But what is it that makes this apple? Get an overview based on the opinions and experiences of others.


Note: For reasons of better readability, small spelling errors (spaces, inverted letters, etc.) have been corrected in the quotations. The exact sources are linked under the specification of the respective forum.

Apple Elstar


The Elstar apple is selected primarily for commercial cultivation. To what extent it is also suitable for the hobby garden, you can find out from the following experience reports.

"[...] Elstar from the private garden is one of the best things I find, but it is too time-consuming to look after, u. A. the thinning [...] "

Source:, User: DerFlo, October 9, 2014

“I have had a good to very good harvest at Elstar for a number of years, and I never spray. The tree is cut regularly, however, and there was some scab this year, but that doesn't bother me. […]“

Source:, User: Christina, 01/10/2011

“[...] Elstar simply has no advantages without plant protection and plantation-like cultivation on weakly growing substrates, but rather various disadvantages. However, it is not a bad or completely unsuitable apple for the home garden. In addition, with such a variety the question arises why you should grow something yourself, even though it is thrown at you en masse in every supermarket. I wouldn't worry about a pollinator. In every residential area there is always something somewhere, even ornamental apples can serve as pollinators. "

Source:, User: cydorian, January 10, 2011

“[…] What we harvested was delicious, but not much so far. Otherwise - as with the other varieties - we lose the apples to the curler and the birds! ", User: uliginosa, January 10, 2011

“[...] I had big problems with Elstar. Again and again puny little apples and scabs. In the last year of the allotment garden finally a good harvest. You just have to stay tuned and clean up everything bad and, above all, never leave mummies hanging. […]“

Source:, User: Pflanzine, May 15, 2010

“The literature says he needs a steady metabolism during the growing season. Water supply and nutrition for the tree are crucial requirements. If the soil (water supply, air balance, etc.) is not optimal and the weather does not play along, you have to pampered and mothered. Anything but a variety that can be recommended for beginners across Germany. [...] He is prone to scab and is also very susceptible to powdery mildew in our country. Also no apples for the garden, the farmers can only get it under control with enough chemicals (a good 15 sprayings a year, at Bioelstar even more). "

Source:, User: Yersenia, May 15, 2010

“[…] However, it is considered a rather problematic variety by the fruit growers, because it is very susceptible to all sorts of things. That is why the use of chemicals is very high in these trees. And the hobby gardener who likes the apple and who then builds a tree for his garden wishes, will find that without the use of tough chemicals, no reasonable yield will be possible will. […]“

Source:, User: tree12, 01/04/2015

"[...] I like Elstar, but have to be thinned out regularly, among other things. […]“

Source:, User: DerFlo, 10.10.2014

"[...] Particularly suitable pollen donors for 'Elstar' are: 'Cox Orange', 'Gloster', 'James Grieve', 'Mantet' and 'Melrose'"

Source:, User: gwexhauskoch, 02/14/2005

Elstar apple tree


With your own apple tree, of course, it depends on the fruit. How does Elstar taste, what makes the fruits and what are they best for? Make use of the experience of the hobby gardener.

“Of the apples that are often offered, Elstar tastes best! A really good apple, not too sweet and aromatic, nice and crunchy [...] "

Source:, User: uliginosa, January 10, 2011

“Elstar is very popular with its spicy-sweet taste, and people like to buy it. That is why even tree nurseries like to offer it as a tree [...] "

Source:, User: tree12, 01/04/2015

"[...] Elstar is my favorite apple. This year our tree (it is a high trunk […]) carried for the second time, and a lot. They are nice red, juicy, sweet and slightly sour. Just like I like an apple. I don't need to worry too much about the shelf life. Every day at least four apples are gone. But I think that it can also be stored quite well. […]“

Source:, User: Bine, 10/11/2007

"[...] The Elstar is similarly sweet, but has a little more acidity and is ripe a little earlier. This is also a very tasty table apple that can also be easily processed into compote. "

Source:, User: Desperado, 04/04/2015

“Yes, it is very suitable for baking. If I don't get a Boskop, I'll be happy to use Elstar. "

Source:, User: Allegro, May 15, 2014

"Elstar is also very good, first sour and then super sweet."

Source:, User: jumawi, 09/01/2012

"[...] Meanwhile I tried the Elstar from the organic farmer... unfortunately I don't like it that much. I find it almost as sweet and meaningless as the Golden Delicious, from which it is descended. The tastes are so different! […]“

Source:, User: Yarrow, 11/23/2007

"[...] If you store Elstar in a cool, but" normal "place for a few weeks, they ripen just as well and at some point become floury like most apples... [...]"

Source:, User: Weed Eater, May 26, 2010

Apple Elstar


The Elstar apple is often referred to as a susceptible variety. What experiences have other Elstar owners had? You can form your own picture with the following quotes from amateur gardeners.

“[...] Elstar is indeed a very tasty one Apple, but not necessarily suitable for the hobby gardener who wants to get along without chemicals as much as possible. […]“

Source:, User: tree12, January 3rd, 2015

“[…] Personally, I don't think it's great in the home garden, it's a rather“ modern ”variety
and must be sprayed because susceptible to diseases such as storage rot, speck, strong! Fire blight, powdery mildew and scab. In addition, the apple is not self-fertile, which means that for a nice harvest you need a second apple tree, or at least an apple tree in the neighborhood. […]“

Source:, User: Kappesbuur, January 8th, 2018

“[…] The Elstar is also a good variety that can be grown in the home garden. However, this is more of an autumn apple, which is also relatively easy to store, but you won't get it so easily into the new year. The trunk is also a little more prone to cancer, as I can now find out with mine. […]“

Source:, User: Desperado, March 21, 2016

“I have the Elstar apple, which regularly has scabs on the leaves. […]“

Source:, User: Melonenhätschler, 08/24/2014

“[…] Elstar simply has no advantages without plant protection and plantation-like cultivation on weakly growing substrates, but rather various disadvantages. However, it is not a bad or completely unsuitable apple for the home garden. In addition, with such a variety the question arises why you should grow something yourself, even though it is thrown at you en masse in every supermarket. [...] "

Source:, User: cydorian, January 10, 2011

Pick Elstar

Harvest time

The Elstar can be found in stores all year round. But if you want to have a tree of the popular variety in your garden yourself, you wonder when Elstar apples are harvested.

The Elstar is one of the early autumn apples. It is harvested from the beginning to the end of September and is then ready to eat. This makes it one of the fast-ripening varieties.

tip: When harvesting, make sure that the stem stays on the apple. This way they can be stored better. If the stalk cannot be properly detached from the branch, this is a sign of a lack of maturity. Do not try to force the apple off the tree. Ripe apples, including the stem, can be easily detached from the branch.

Apple harvest


The Elstar already develops its full taste during harvest, but it can also be stored for a longer period of time. The later the apple is harvested, the longer it can be stored. If the conditions are right, it can even be stored until the beginning of March. Pay attention to the following when storing:

  • Airy, cool basement room
  • Frost free
  • High humidity
  • Temperatures of 2-6 ° C
  • lying next to each other in wooden boxes or cardboard
  • or spread loosely on paper or boards
  • shouldn't touch
  • check regularly for brown or rotten spots

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