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What is blue grain?

Blue grain is a so-called artificial fertilizer (complete fertilizer) made from inorganic salts. The small blue spheres that gave the preparation its name contain the main nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The effect of the complex fertilizer unfolds very quickly and growth is effectively supported.

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  • Fertilizing privet with blue grain - when and how?
  • It is better not to fertilize boxwood with blue grain
  • How to properly fertilize your hedge

Please note that the various blue grain products have different compositions. Occasionally, this fertilizer contains chloride, to which some plants can be sensitive.

When and how can this fertilizer be administered?

For the Fertilize With blue corn, the months of March and June are recommended for hedge planting, as the two main growth phases of hedges fall during this period.

Spread blue grain

On a rainy day, sprinkle the granules on the ground around the bushes in the amount indicated on the package. Make sure that no grains remain on the leaves of the bushes, as this can lead to burns.

Water thoroughly so that the nutrients can penetrate the soil.

Improve soil in the long term

In order to be able to keep the use of artificial fertilizers as low as possible, it is advisable to additionally administer organic fertilizers on a regular basis. These consist of animal or vegetable waste that is broken down by soil organisms. They increase humus formation and have a positive effect on soil fertility.

Over-fertilization, as can certainly occur with blue grain, is almost impossible with these preparations. However, the hedge's nutrients are only available after a while.

Since a certain soil temperature and moisture is required for the implementation of mineral fertilizers, it is recommended that Mulch hedges.

Suitable materials are:

  • Lawn clippings,
  • Leaves,
  • Straw,
  • all garden waste.

However, you may only use parts of plants that are free from diseases and pests.


Even if there are deficiency symptoms, you should avoid fertilizing the hedge with blue grain in autumn. The artificial fertilizer stimulates growth and fresh shoots form, which would no longer ripen by winter. These die in frost and the hedge shows unsightly holes in spring.

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