Lemongrass: Harvest and store properly

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Lemongrass can also be successfully grown here. But how do you harvest and store it properly? Find out here!

harvested lemongrass
Lemongrass is often bundled after harvest [Photo: Arqam Bin Nasir/ Shutterstock.com]

Harvest lemongrass properly

 eBook herb guide the most important kitchen herbs

Lemongrass is an evergreen, herbaceous plant and can therefore be harvested all year round. To do this, the stalks are simply cut off a few centimeters above the surface of the earth. It should not be cut too deep so as not to endanger the new shoots through injuries. In commercial cultivation, the plants are harvested in one fell swoop and used. In the tropical and subtropical growing areas, the plants can thus be harvested three to four times within a year.

If you grow lemongrass for your own use in the garden, a continuous harvest is recommended, depending on your needs. So you can always harvest the aromatic young stalks for use in the kitchen. In addition, the use of freshly harvested lemongrass is of course best.

Lemongrass Straws
The stalks can easily be cut off close to the ground [Photo: johan kusuma/ Shutterstock.com]

Store lemongrass properly

Lemongrass is best used for seasoning immediately after harvest. But even the sweet grass does not stay fresh and rich in flavors forever. However, the lemongrass wrapped in paper can be kept fresh in the refrigerator for a few weeks without losing the intensity of its aroma. If you want to extend the usability of the spice even further, you can also freeze it. As a result, the usability can be increased to up to a year without the lemongrass losing any noticeable intensity. For many other herbs, darkened air drying is a proven method of extending shelf life. However, this storage method should not be used for the lemongrass. Drying causes a drastic degradation of the essential oils contained and thus leads to a loss of taste.

dried lemongrass
Unfortunately, dried lemongrass loses its aroma [Photo: Steidi/ Shutterstock.com]

If you have now got the taste and want to grow lemongrass in your own garden, then take a look at "Grow Lemongrass“. There you can find step-by-step instructions on how to successfully grow lemongrass from propagation to harvest.