Grave planting: Suitable plants for the whole year

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A beautiful grave is a tribute to loved ones. Here you can find out which plants are particularly suitable for grave planting.

angel with flowers
For many of the bereaved, an attractive grave design is a matter close to the heart [Photo: Alexandra Giese/]

A beautiful grave planting is often a matter of the heart for the bereaved, with which one can do a loved one a last favor. But in order to always make a grave attractive and beautiful, there are a few things to consider - choosing the right plants is particularly important. Changing the alternating planting to suit the respective season also plays an important role. You can find out here which plants are particularly suitable for grave design all year round.


  • Grave planting: You should pay attention to this
  • Beautiful grave plantings for every season
    • Grave planting for spring
    • Grave planting for the summer
    • Grave planting for fall
    • Grave planting for the winter
  • Special grave planting for All Saints' Day
  • Evergreen and easy to care for grave plants

In memory of a loved one, the bereaved often worry about an atmospheric grave planting, because they can be used to express mourning, but also affection and everlasting love. But the design of the grave is also a challenge: not only should the grave always look beautiful, it should also be easy to care for.

Grave planting: You should pay attention to this

For many of the bereaved, it is particularly important that the grave planting of the last resting place of their loved ones not only looks appealing, but also stays that way for a long time without a great deal of maintenance. Choosing the right plants is particularly important. There are two types of grave planting: alternating planting based on the season and permanent planting, which evergreen ground covers and the frame planting. In order to guarantee a grave design that is as easy to care for as possible, but still atmospheric, the proportion of alternating planting should not exceed one third. In addition, the needs of the plants should be adapted to the location of the grave and the plants should also emphasize the gravestone.

Evergreen plants
The alternating planting should not exceed one third of the grave planting [Photo: Manfred Ruckszio/]

dwarf shrubs and cut to shape, evergreen plants are a good choice as an accompaniment to upright headstones, while taller plants should only be used as back planting for lying stones. In general, only low plants are suitable for planting in front of the tombstone in order to enable the clearest possible view. For deciduous and coniferous trees, it is advisable to choose slow-growing species that do not exceed two meters. An asymmetrical placement also enlarges the space - placement at the top of the grave is best for large plants.

Beautiful grave plantings for every season

The alternating planting is wonderful for making the grave atmospheric with flowering plants to match the season. Although it requires more care than permanent evergreen planting, you can also use the Choice of robust, long-flowering plants an easy-care and yet varied grave planting reach.

Grave planting for spring

Already in the fall it is worth preparing the grave planting for the spring: onion flowers like hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis) and crocuses (Crocus) should be planted out at this time, so that they reliably appear as the first flowering plants in spring. Also other colorful spring flowers like primroses (Primula vulgaris), Horned Violet (Viola cornuta) or pansies (Viola wittrockiana) ensure an atmospheric grave design in spring. Especially in combination with evergreen ground covers the plants provide an attractive picture in spring. Which plants are still suitable for the Grave design in spring suitable, you can find out here.

Spring flowers are particularly popular in grave plants [Photo: fotoknips/]

Grave planting for the summer

Planting graves in summer is a particular challenge for many of the bereaved: Because in the hot Many plants quickly lose their heads in the summer sun if they are not supplied with water regularly will. But here, too, the grave can be made easy to care for by choosing the right plants, so that it looks attractive for a long time even without daily watering. For example, the sedum (sedum), lavender (Lavandula latifolia) or that Flaming Katie (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) on. The grave planting for the summer should be completed by the end of June at the latest to give the plants enough time for sufficient root growth. What else about the Grave planting in summer should know and which other plants are suitable for this, you can find out here.

Flaming little cats in pots
Easy-care plants like Flaming Katy are particularly suitable for summer [Photo: Moskwa/]

Grave planting for fall

As the days begin to get shorter again, it's time to prepare the graves of your loved ones for fall. Atmospheric ones are particularly popular for grave planting in autumn autumn flowers like the aster (aster), the autumn gentian (Gentiana scabra) or that cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum). But also variegated ground covers such as the purple bells (Heuchera cultivars) or the barbed wire plant (Calocephalus brownii) are welcome. When planting the grave, care should be taken to place the plants closer together in order to to avoid unsightly bald spots and gaps - in contrast to spring and summer, they usually grow barely. On the other hand, grave care in autumn - in contrast to summer - is significantly less complex, only the leaves should be removed regularly. More care tips and plants for the Grave design in autumn you'll find here.

heath to grave
Autumn flowers brighten up the grave planting with their color [Photo: Szymon Mucha/]

Grave planting for the winter

An appealing one Grave design in winter is considered particularly demanding by many of the bereaved, but can still be atmospheric with the right choice of plants. In addition to the evergreen permanent planting, particularly decorative ones are used ground cover as the checkerberry (Gaultheria procumbens) or the carpet cotoneaster (Cotoneaster dammeri) gladly used. But flowering plants can also impress in winter: The heather (Calluna vulgaris) and the Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) also bloom in snow and ice. Already in autumn you should start with the first care measures for the winter. Withered and diseased plants and autumn leaves must be removed and plants that are not hardy must be protected. Which plants are still suitable for the winter and how to do that Grave best prepared for winter, find out here.

An attractive grave design is also possible in winter [Photo: Vladimir_Vinogradov/]

Special grave planting for All Saints' Day

On All Saints' Day, which is always on the 1st. November, it is important to many of the bereaved that the final resting place of their deceased is designed in a particularly appealing and atmospheric way. The festival, at which the graves are blessed in many communities, has a high emotional value for many, since the deceased are remembered on it. The graves are particularly popular with beautiful wreaths of flowers, personally designed planters or new commemorative candles. But the alternating planting is also being replanted by many for the holiday. autumn flowers as the Horned Violet (Viola cornuta) or the autumn margarites (Argyranthemum frutescens) are particularly popular here. But also plants with a strong symbolic meaning like the chrysanthemum (chrysanthemum) are particularly suitable for grave design on All Saints' Day. What the holiday is all about and what others Grave plants for All Saints' Day are suitable, you can find out here.

candles on grave
On All Saints' Day, many of the bereaved want to make the grave particularly beautiful [Photo: Mariusz Szczygiel/]

Evergreen and easy to care for grave plants

Easy-care and evergreen plants play an important role in grave design, as they guarantee an attractive appearance for a long time without much care. Particularly ground cover are therefore popular in grave planting: Not only do they look beautiful for a long time and are perfect as Structural plants between the flowering alternating planting - ground cover also suppress annoying weeds and protect the soil. In addition to well-known evergreen plants such as the feather pad (Cotula squalida) or the fat man (Pachysandra terminalis), some ground cover plants like the cat's foot (Antennaria dioica) additionally with their great flower decoration. But also rhododendron (rhododendron) and sedum (sedum) are suitable as easy-care and year-round grave plants.

Which plants still meet the criteria for a easy-care grave design fulfill and are evergreen, you will learn in this article.