Cutting catnip: when and how to do it

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Catnip is quite frugal, but needs a trim every now and then. Here's what to consider when cutting catnip.

Catnip is cut
A cut guarantees a beautiful flower [Photo: Jana Loesch/]

To take care of catnip (Nepeta) includes not only proper watering and fertilizing but also pruning. To ensure that your catnip has the best conditions for healthy growth and beautiful flowers, you should know what to look out for when cutting. In this article, you'll learn why you should trim your catnip, when is the perfect time to do it, and how to do it.


  • Why should you cut catnip?
  • Catnip: when to cut?
  • Catnip: how and how much to cut?
    • Cut catnip to prolong flowering
    • Cut catnip when sick
    • Cut catnip for use in the kitchen and Co.
    • Cut catnip to prevent spread
    • Cut catnip for propagation

Why should you cut catnip?

Catnip belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae) and usually grows perennial as a herbaceous perennial. Under optimal conditions, it can grow 20 to 90 centimeters in height. In gardens it is often used as a bed border, in a perennial bed or in a herb or scented bed. In general, mint is considered to be quite undemanding and easy to care for. However, there are some instances where a catnip trim may be necessary.

You should trim your catnip for the following reasons:

  • elongation of flowering
  • preservation of health
  • Use as a medicinal and spice plant
  • prevent spreading
  • To multiply

We will tell you when it is time for these catnip pruning measures and how you can best manage the pruning.

Catnip: when to cut?

Depending on what you want to achieve by cutting your catnip, there are different cutting times for the individual measures. If you want to extend the flowering time of your catnip, you should cut it back after the main flowering period. In July, the flowering period is usually over and it is time to cut back. If your catnip is infested with diseases or pests, you should cut off and remove the affected parts of the plant immediately and at any time. If you want to use the leaves and flowers of your catnip as a medicinal and spice plant, the right time for a cut is in summer. If you want to prevent and contain the spread of your catnip, the right time to cut back in spring is between February and March.

Catnip in winter
You should never cut back your catnip in the fall, as catnip still needs all of its plant parts in winter [Photo: Katarzyna Mazurowska/]

Tip: Pruning the plant in the fall will not be rewarded, so be sure to wait until spring to do so. If the catnip is cut back in autumn, it unnecessarily weakens it before the cold season.

To propagate catnip, you can cut off individual shoots between April and July.

Summary of catnip cutting timing:

  • Extended flowering: After the main flowering period in July
  • Maintaining health: at any time in the event of disease or pest infestation
  • For use as a medicinal and spice plant: In summer
  • Preventing Spreading: In spring between February and March
  • To propagate: Between April and July

Catnip: how and how much to cut?

Not only the optimal time is important when cutting the catnip, but also the right procedure. Depending on your intention, you should proceed differently. Below are instructions for each catnip trimming option.

Cut catnip to prolong flowering

If you want to enjoy the lush flowering of catnip for as long as possible, you can encourage it to flower longer by pruning. To do this, all shoots of the plant are cut off with clean and sharp pruning shears to just above the ground. Alternatively, you can also cut off all the inflorescences up to just above the first leaf. With this measure, your catnip will usually continue to bloom until autumn.
It can also make sense to give your catnip new strength with fresh nutrients after pruning. You can do this right after the pruning nettle manure or a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect - for example ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer with organic long-term effect - apply.

Procedure for pruning catnip at a glance:

  • Use sharp secateurs
  • Shorten all shoots to just above the ground
  • Or shorten all inflorescences to above the first leaf
  • If necessary, fertilize with nettle manure or a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect

Tip: However, this cut also prevents the self-seeding of the catnip. If you intend for your catnip to spread further in the garden and self-seed, then you should refrain from this pruning.

Cut catnip when sick

Catnip is sometimes used by powdery mildew abused. In such a case, it helps to remove the affected parts of the plant and the buds. The plant no longer puts any energy into the development of the flowers, but can concentrate on fighting the fungus.

Cut catnip for use in the kitchen and Co.

Catnip has many uses as a medicinal and spice plant. To use the flowers and leaves of the special mint, you can use sharp scissors to cut off entire stems of the plant. These can then be used fresh or dried. Or you can only harvest individual leaves or flowers to use fresh.

Cut catnip to prevent spread

In order to prevent the vigorous catnip from taking over your entire garden, a radical pruning is sometimes necessary. To do this, choose a frost-free day and cut the whole plant back to just above the ground with sharp pruning shears.

To prevent excessive spread, catnip should be trimmed [Photo: islavicek/]

Cut catnip for propagation

If you want to propagate your catnip yourself, the simple method of propagation by cuttings at. For this you should make sure to cut the cuttings with clean and sharp scissors. Select a healthy young shoot of catnip and cut it about 6 inches long. Now remove the top leaves. You can then insert and water the cuttings in the substrate.
Alternatively, you can of course propagate catnip by division or - the simplest option - by self-sowing.

If you want more information about the catnip If you want to know more, you should definitely continue reading here. More tips about Cutting mint you'll find here.

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