Sowing and fertilizing the lawn: Instructions & care tips

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When laying out a new lawn or reseeding, the question arises as to whether fertilizer can be used at the same time. We clarify whether you can sow and fertilize the lawn at the same time.

lawn in the garden
An even, healthy lawn can be achieved by simultaneously seeding and fertilizing [Photo: NOPPHARAT STUDIO 969/]

You were just about to reach for the fertilizer spreader - you notice that your lawn is growing and thick like a bald head? In this article you will find out whether sparse areas in the lawn can be quickly eliminated and vitality restored by simultaneous sowing and fertilizing.


  • Can you sow and fertilize the lawn at the same time?
  • Instructions for parallel sowing and fertilizing of lawns
    • Fertilize and sow at the same time
    • Fertilize and overseed at the same time

This article answers the question of whether you can sow or overseed and fertilize a lawn at the same time. You will also find practical instructions on the order of implementation. Detailed information on Laying out new lawns can also be found in this special article.

Can you sow and fertilize the lawn at the same time?

Basically nothing speaks against fertilization and sowing or Lawn reseeding to be carried out simultaneously. It should be noted, however, that the fertilizer used is either mostly organic or if mineral, is equipped with a slow-flowing depot effect. This is because young seedlings are very sensitive to high nutrient concentrations. In addition, they form a stronger root system when their roots have to search a little further in the soil for nutrients.

Instructions for parallel sowing and fertilizing of lawns

Only the months between May and September can be used for sowing lawn seed. Later or earlier sowings can result in a shift in the grass composition due to cool temperatures and thus a devaluation of the lawn area that is created later. Below are step-by-step instructions for sowing and fertilizing for the first time, as well as overseeding and fertilizing.

seed and fertilizer
The right amount of fertilizer and seed is extremely important [Photo: MaroulisPhotography/]

Tip: In many soils, improving the soil structure can promote later lawn growth. the bringing in of manure, compost as fertilizer, bark humus, wood fibers or – if there is enough time – the use of a green manureloosen the soil and improve its properties. Very heavy soils should be mixed with sand, lava split or expanded clay. Per 100m² about 4 to 5 m³ are worked in evenly.

Fertilize and sow at the same time

If you want to create a new lawn and at the same time supply the soil with fertilizer, proceed as follows.

Instructions: Fertilize and sow the lawn at the same time

  1. Remove debris and larger stones from the future lawn
  2. Loosen the soil with a tiller or digging fork to a depth of at least 10 cm, preferably 10 to 20 cm. You should remove root weeds
  3. Now work a basic fertilizer into the upper 5 cm: For example 100 g/m² of ours Plantura organic lawn fertilizer
  4. Create the rough planum, i.e. roughly smooth and model the surface with a wooden rake
  5. Roll the surface lightly, small areas can be stepped on with footboards (the gentle consolidation is important to prevent later settlement and the resulting pits in the surface)
  6. Create the fine planum, i.e. level the surface as smooth as possible, working the subsoil flush to the edges of beds, surfaces or paths and also slightly solidifying it there
  7. Now the sowing of the lawn seeds follows:
    • Weigh the amount of seed required for the area according to the information on the package and divide it in half
    • Go over the entire area and spread half of the seed in several lanes
    • Again, this time going across the area and spreading the second half of the seed in the same way
  8. Work in the seed to a depth of 0.5 to 1 cm using a wooden rake or hedgehog roller
  9. Roll or step on the lawn one last time to close the ground
  10. Until the seed has fully emerged in about three weeks, keep the area moist by watering, watering infrequently but thoroughly without creating puddles; The water for sprinkling should not hit the surface in thick drops, but rather be distributed very finely through a nozzle or a sprinkler

Tip: The first cut is made at a height of 6 to 10 cm and at a cutting height of 4 cm. Ideally, the surface should be lightly rolled after the first cuts in order to press down the grass roots plucked out during mowing.

Fertilize and overseed at the same time

Sometimes lawns also need reseeding to regenerate - for example when gaps appear or after intensive scarifying. We recommend the Plantura lawn reseeding, with which existing lawns can be repaired quickly and reliably. You can also fertilize at the same time.

Instructions: Fertilize and overseed the lawn at the same time

  1. Mow the lawn very deep - less than 2 cm long
  2. scarify If necessary, clean the lawn and then remove any material that has been worked out
  3. If aeration is to be carried out, this is also the right time for this
  4. The soil cones that have formed are then removed and the surface is evenly sanded with 3 to 5 l/m² of fine sand
  5. Now 20 to 30 g/m² lawn seed - for example Plantura lawn reseeding – sown (as described above)
  6. Work the seeds in with a wooden or metal rake, or cover them with a thin layer of soil
  7. Roll the surface lightly or solidify it with footboards
  8. Now it is fertilized - for example with 40 to 70 g/m² of our Plantura organic lawn fertilizer
  9. Water the area as described above and only walk on it again when the turf is tightly closed (after about six to eight weeks)

Tip: A soil sample can be taken for a soil analysis in advance. In this way, you can fertilize as required, and you can also find out the pH value of your soil. The range between 6.5 and 7.2 is ideal for lawns. If you have to lime the soil to reach this value, you should do this at a distance from the actual lawn seeding and fertilization. Here you can find out more about simultaneous fertilizing and liming of the lawn read.

Crosswise application of the lawn seed as a guide
So that your lawn grows nice and dense, you should spread the lawn seed crosswise

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