Planting Tulips: When, Where & How?

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When do you put tulip bulbs in the bed? Where and how to plant tulips correctly? And can you put tulip bulbs in a pot? We answer all your questions about planting tulips.

A shovel lies on a basket of tulip bulbs
In this article we explain how best to plant tulips [Photo: Jurga Jot/]

Hardly any other flower awakens spring fever in us as much as this one tulip (Tulipa). It belongs to the lily family (Liliaceae) and makes for great, colorful accents in any garden. Originally it comes from the steppes of Southeast Europe and Asia, but nowadays it is also at home in our temperate latitudes and it is hard to imagine our gardens without it. It does not place high demands on its location and nevertheless rewards its gardeners with a lush display of flowers. However, if you want a particularly long and vigorous bloom, you should consider a few things when planting. In our article we will tell you when to plant tulips, in which location tulips feel most comfortable and how best to proceed when planting tulip bulbs.


  • The right planting time for tulip bulbs
  • The right location for tulips
  • Planting tulips in the bed: This is how you do it
    • Planting tulips: step-by-step instructions
    • Planting and plugging depth of tulip bulbs
  • Planting tulips in pots
  • Caring for tulips immediately after planting

The right planting time for tulip bulbs

When do you plant tulips? Many hobby gardeners ask themselves this question. There are two ways to stake tulip bulbs: either plant your tulips in the fall or you can plant them in the spring.

It is better for most tulip bulbs to be planted in autumn. You should put your favorite tulip varieties in the bed between the beginning of September and mid-November. In order for the flower bulbs to get an ideal start, it is important that the temperatures are already permanently below 10 °C - but no night frosts should be expected in the next week be. Later, winter frosts no longer bother the colorful ornamental plants, on the contrary: the frost kills germs and pests in the soil and the tulip bulbs are protected from rotting. Soil moisture also plays an important role in the ideal planting time for tulip bulbs. So choose a day when the soil is neither too dry nor too wet.

Tulip bulbs and soil lie on a table
Tulip bulbs can be planted in autumn or spring - but they should always be pre-germinated in spring [Photo: Shebeko/]

Those who have neglected to plant their tulip bulbs in autumn need not despair. You can also plant your tulips in spring from mid-May. It is important that the onions have already sprouted. You can either buy pre-germinated tulip bulbs or pre-germinate them yourself.

The perfect planting time for tulip bulbs:

  • Planting tulips in the fall: From September to mid-November
  • Temperatures below 10°C
  • No night frosts
  • Not too dry or too wet a time
  • Planting tulip bulbs in spring: from mid-May

The right location for tulips

Tulips don't make great demands on their location, but above all they like it as sunny and warm as possible. A lot of sun promotes growth and flowering, and it also makes it easier for the bulbs to ripen in summer, so that they can bloom profusely again next year.

Tulips prefer to thrive in well-drained soil. If the soil in your garden does not correspond to this, you can simply mix in some sand when planting tulips. This loosens the soil and prevents waterlogging. The risk of the tulip bulbs rotting is then significantly lower. A pH between 6.5 and 7 is ideal for tulips.

Colorful blooming tulips
Tulips ring in spring with their beautiful blossoms [Photo: MoinMoin/]

The ideal location for tulips at a glance:

  • Sunny and warm
  • Permeable, airy soil
  • Nutritious
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Ideal pH: 6.5 to 7.0

Planting tulips in the bed: This is how you do it

Once you have found the perfect spot for your tulips in the garden, you can start planting. First prepare the bed by loosening the soil well and removing weeds and stones. If the soil is too firm and not permeable enough, it is better to lay down a drainage layer, for example made of gravel. Now enrich the soil with a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect. Ours is best suited for tulips Plantura organic flower fertilizer, which provides all the important nutrients for the spring bloomers. If your soil is too acidic, you should also apply lime before planting to raise the pH.

Then dig planting holes and put the bulbs in. It is important here that the shoot axis always points upwards. The planted tulip bulbs are then covered with soil and watered.

plant tulips: Step-by-step instructions

  1. loosen soil
  2. Possibly. create drainage
  3. Lime if the soil is too acidic
  4. Work compost or a slow release organic fertilizer into the soil
  5. dig planting hole
  6. Put the tulip bulbs in the planting hole so that the stems of the tulip bulbs point upwards
  7. Cover with soil
  8. casting
Tulip bulbs are planted in the ground
Tulips are always buried three times as deep as the bulb is long [Photo: OlgaPonomarenko/]

Planting and plugging depth of tulip bulbs

An important question when planting tulips is how deep you should plant tulip bulbs. You can stick to a simple rule of thumb: always plant the tulip bulbs three times as deep as they are measured along the shoot axis. But that only applies to planting in the fall. This is different with pre-grown tulip bulbs that are planted in spring. Here you should note that the top one to two centimeters of the tulip bulb protrude from the ground. The diameter of the planting hole should always be twice as wide as the tulip bulb. As far as the planting distance is concerned, you should use the size of the tulip variety as a guide. For small varieties, a planting distance of ten centimeters is sufficient, for larger tulip varieties it can be up to 20 centimeters.

Rules of thumb for planting tulips:

  • Width of the planting hole: twice as wide as the tulip bulb
  • Planting depth: three times as deep as the bulb
  • Planting distance: small tulip varieties approx. 10 cm, large tulips approx. 20 cm

Tip: Tulip bulbs planted in clumps later create a more luxuriant picture in the garden than scattered tulips.

Planting tulips in pots

Tulips can also be planted in pots without any problems. The procedure is the same as when planting tulips in the bed. Varieties with a relatively low growth height (maximum 30 centimeters) are particularly suitable for planting tulips in tubs. A well-known example is the multi-flowered wild tulip (Tulipa praestans) with a growth height of 15 to 20 centimeters. To plant tulip bulbs in pots, you should first create a drainage layer of potsherds or expanded clay in the pot. Then enrich the substrate with Plantura Organic flower fertilizer with an organic long-term effect to create the best growing conditions for your tulips. The bulbs are then planted in the pots as described above.

Materials for planting tulips in a pot
Tulips can also grow very well in pots [Photo: macka/]

Planting tulip bulbs in pots at a glance:

  • Choose small tulip varieties
  • Create a drainage layer in the pot
  • substrate with Plantura organic flower fertilizer enrich
  • Fill the pot two-thirds full with substrate
  • Place the tulip bulbs in the pot with the shoot axis pointing upwards
  • Cover with substrate
  • casting

Caring for tulips immediately after planting

Tulips are very frugal and require little care. It is important to supply the flowers regularly with fertilizer and to water them regularly during longer dry periods. Tulips need the right fertilizer to bloom lushly. When, how and with what Fertilize tulips, you can read in our special article.

Most tulip varieties are perennial. We'll give you tips on what to do with Tulip bulb storage and overwintering have to consider.

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