Plant, multiply and use

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Wild garlic develops elongated and two to six centimeters long onions that are slim. These are formed from the base of the two leaves. A whitish to yellowish skin protects the rhizome in the initial phase. With increasing age, the membranous coat reduces to a few bristles. The herbaceous aromatic plant develops a main root and only rarely secondary bulbs.

also read

  • Planting wild garlic in your own garden: the most important things at a glance
  • The wild garlic in spring: a season full of delicious recipe ideas
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The leek plant reproduces primarily via seeds that are spread with the water or by mammals. This factor explains the clumpy and patchy appearance of the perennial. It rarely develops subterranean runners with daughter bulbs. Therefore, the vegetative spread does not play a major role.

The typical image of a vegetation community with wild garlic is nevertheless characterized by a mass appearance of the plant. The reason for thick carpets made from wild garlic leaves is the high seed production. A wild garlic stand with an area of ​​one square meter produces 9,000 seeds per year.


The leaves turn yellow two to three months after budding when the upper soil layers warm up. They draw their energy from the leaves and store it in the onions. This process is important for the plants to sprout again next spring. After the leaves have completely withered, you can dig up the rhizomes and use them in the kitchen, similar to garlic cloves or as a caper substitute.

Wild garlic in the garden

Fresh tubers are planted promptly in the garden because of the high risk of drying out. The planting time extends from spring to autumn. So that the perennial grows healthily, soil improvement with compost makes sense. Wild garlic prefers fresh to moist conditions.

Plant properly

Wild garlic is offered in pots in spring. After the planting date, there should be no more frosts because they damage the foliage. Wait until the ice saints in mid-May to plant them. In the meantime, you can get the potted plant used to the outside climate during the day.

How to put wild garlic bulbs:

  • with the point up
  • about four inches deep
  • at a distance of 15 centimeters

Are root barriers useful?

Since wild garlic spreads uncontrollably, you have to contain the stocks if necessary. The often recommended barriers in the substrate have no effect, as the plants mainly spread via seeds. In favorable locations, the leek plant can appear like a carpet.

Increase by division

If the crop grows too dense, dig up the bulbs after they have been pulled in. Thinning out the clumps by pricking and digging up the plants. These can easily be divided by hand and either planted elsewhere or processed in the kitchen.