Watermelon knock test: when is it ripe?

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Knock test on ripe watermelons

table of contents

  • Watermelons - why knock test?
  • Watermelon knock test: procedure
  • Further methods for determining the maturity level
  • frequently asked Questions

With their sweet taste, watermelons are a direct reminder of summer. But how do you recognize a ripe watermelon? A simple tap test can tell you whether the watermelon is ripe.

In a nutshell

  • ripe melons are sweeter
  • Water inside the melon conducts sound
  • the darker and fuller the tone, the more mature it is
  • further methods of determining the degree of maturity: analysis of weight, appearance or stem

Watermelons - why knock test?

We love melons above all for their typical sweetness. The more ripe the watermelon is, the sweeter and fresher it will taste. On the other hand, unripe watermelons often only taste watery. The delicious melons are mostly made with us

  • Spain
  • Iran
  • Turkey
  • Israel

imported. In the countries of origin, however, the melons are not always fully ripened harvested. With a simple tap test, however, you can quickly find out whether the watermelon you have chosen is ripe. Ripe melons have a high water content. So they can conduct sound well. The more water it contains, the riper the melon and the better it conducts sound.

Watermelon in edible pieces
Ripe watermelons taste sweet and refreshing.

Watermelon knock test: procedure

You can easily perform the knock test in any supermarket. To do this, go through the following steps:

  1. Pick up watermelons one at a time
  2. Hit the melon lightly with the palm of your hand
  3. Repeat the process for various watermelons

The sound alone is enough to assess the degree of ripeness of the melon. Thereby means

  • dark, full and full: ripe
  • dull, metallic-bright and quiet: immature

Tip: Experts also pay attention to the vibration. If the vibration is completely absent, the watermelon is still soft and fluffy inside. Then better choose another melon.

Further methods for determining the maturity level

But there are also other criteria by which you can determine a ripe watermelon. In particular, you should take a closer look

  • colour
  • weight
  • stalk

throw. A large yellow spot on the melon also stands for ripe, because this is where a ripe melon is deposited. In general, the following applies: The more ripe and sweeter a specimen is

  • the yellow contact point is larger
  • heavier the melon is
  • the shell is duller and criss-crossed with reticulated yellow lines
  • dried is a potential stalk
  • Sliced ​​melon: The narrower the white border between the pulp and the skin

Tip: Make sure it is symmetrical in shape. Dents, bruises or cuts indicate an incorrect supply of sun, water or nutrients.

ripe watermelons with a dried stem
A dried stem and yellow spots are signs of ripe watermelons.

frequently asked Questions

Does the knock test also help with other melons such as honeydew melon or cantaloupe melon?

No. You can recognize ripe melon varieties by their weight (heavy) and smell (sweet and fruity). You can also use a pressure test to check maturity. If the peel can be pressed in on the stem, the melon is ripe.

How do I recognize an overripe melon?

Overripe melons have soft spots on the skin. When cut open, the pulp is no longer red, but pale and gray.

How do I properly store a watermelon?

Ripe melons can be stored whole in a cool place for about two weeks. Melons that have already been cut should be wrapped in cling film and stored in the refrigerator and eaten within two days. Watermelons, however, are not suitable for freezing.

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