Succulents: Propagating, caring for & planting

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Succulents are usually very grateful contemporaries. With us you will learn everything about the water-storing survival artists.

Potted succulents soil substrate shovel
Succulents are extremely easy to care for [Photo: Fangfy/]

They are among the most popular indoor plants and only have a few requirements for their environment - we are talking about succulents. Their unpretentiousness makes them the perfect decorative element in their own four walls, even for people without a "green thumb". There is a huge variety of water-storing succulents worldwide, most of which come from the dry regions of the world. Here's everything you need to know about succulents - from biodiversity to care and planting the beautiful survivors.


  • Succulents: properties
  • Succulents: Associated families and genera
  • Types of succulents: the most popular types
  • Buying succulents: what to consider when buying?
  • Plant succulents properly
  • Caring for succulents properly
    • Water succulents
    • Fertilize succulents
    • Repot succulents
  • Propagating Succulents: Offshoots & Co.

Succulents: properties

The essential feature of succulents is their ability to store increased amounts of liquid in various plant organs. This usually results in a fleshy tissue that can appear on leaves as well as stems or roots. However, succulents are not a family or genus (the species are not necessarily related), but a growth habit that is adapted to specific environmental conditions.

Succulent cactus species varieties in row
The main feature of succulents is the ability to store increased liquid in various plant organs [Photo: manhattan_art/]

Succulents: Associated families and genera

Succulents are distributed across a wide variety of plant families and have many species worldwide. Well-known families and genera include:

  • agave family (Agavoideae): agave, yucca
  • Ice Plants (Aizoaceae): Carpobrotus
  • bromeliads (Bromeliaceae): pineapple
  • cacti (Cactaceae): Optunia (Prickly Pear), Carnegiea
  • succulents (Crassulaceae): Aenoium, Crassula
  • Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae): Euphorbia (spurge), Jatropha
  • mulberry family (Moraceae): Ficus, Dorstenia
  • orchids (Orchidaceae): Phalaenopsis
  • saxifrage (Saxifragaceae): Saxifraga, Bergenia
Agave in pot
Agaves are one of the most well-known succulents. [Photo: Alina Kuptsov/]

In addition to these families and genera, there is a huge number of other plants that exhibit succulence.

Identify succulents correctly

Identifying succulents is not always easy, as there are so many different types and shapes. First of all, look at the growth habit: Does the succulence occur in the leaves or the trunk? When the plant flowers, what characterizes the flower? In addition to regular plant identification books, there are some specific succulent guides to help you find an answer. However, the commercially available succulents are often found in the aforementioned families and can be identified relatively easily.

Types of succulents: the most popular types

Succulents are very trendy and in high demand as houseplants. We present the most popular species and genera:

  • aloe vera: A real classic among the succulents, which is characterized by its thick-fleshed leaves and desert-like appearance; can be used as a remedy for sunburn.
  • Acanthocalycium spiniflorum: Small but prickly cactus. The spherical cactus plant is perfect for pot culture.
  • Disocactus ackermannii: Popular leaf cactus with long-growing shoots; suitable as a hanging plant; also under the name Epiphyllum ackermannii famous.
  • echeveria: Includes several species, all of which belong to the succulent family (Crassulaceae) belong; easy-care rosette plant; perfect for the house.
  • gasteria: Popular succulents for indoor cultivation; short stature and thick leaves.
  • Gymnocalycium: Classic, small round cactus; very spreading flowers compared to the size of the plant; long spikes.
  • opuntias: prickly pear cacti, sometimes very tall; popular for its sweet fruits and classic looks.
  • Schlumbergera: Also known as Christmas cactus; bushy growth with thick fleshy leaves and red to pink flowers.
aloe vera
The aloe vera is probably the classic par excellence among the succulents. [Photo: Nevada31/]

Hardy succulents

In addition to the succulents suitable as houseplants, there are also some hardy succulents. These include, for example, several exotic desert plants such as the cactus species Opuntia tortispina and various yucca species such as Yucca filamentosa and Yucca baccata. A widespread hardy succulent in this country is also the magnificent stonecrop Hylotelephium spectabile.

Buying succulents: what to consider when buying?

You have a huge selection of easy-care succulents, as there are now many specimens to buy everywhere. In general, it is not advisable to buy your succulents from a supermarket or the like, as the quality of the plants is usually not particularly good. It is therefore better to go to a garden center or a nursery; you will usually get professional advice there. When buying the plant, be sure to look out for yellow spots and pests and only buy healthy seedlings.

Buy succulent cactus species varieties in pots
Make sure you buy healthy plants [Photo: diy13/]

Plant succulents properly

Once you have acquired a specimen of the water-storing plants, it should be planted in a larger pot. Hardy succulents can be planted directly outdoors. The ideal planting time is always spring as the beginning of the growth period, so that rooting can take place quickly. The most important aspect when planting succulents is always the selection of the right substrate, which in any case must be very permeable. In addition to special cactus or succulent soil, peat-free garden soil can also be used. In both variants, a part of sand should always be added to ensure good water drainage.

Caring for succulents properly

Succulents are rightly considered to be particularly easy-care companions, as they often have to defy harsh conditions in their natural habitat. We show what you should still consider when it comes to care.

Water succulents

Although succulents store water better than most other plants, they too need a little moisture every now and then to grow and stay healthy. Water your succulent lightly about once a week and always drain the water from the saucer. Don't water any more, because the water-sensitive plant reacts quickly with rot. Especially in the winter months you should reduce the amount of water even further.

Succulent is poured with a jug
When it comes to watering, less is more [Photo: somemeans/]

Fertilize succulents

Since succulents are not a single plant family and the growth forms can be very different, it is difficult to give a general fertilization recommendation. You should therefore make the fertilization dependent on the strength of the growth: most succulents only grow very quickly slow and therefore do not require large amounts, while species that grow faster can be fertilized about every three weeks will. Special cactus and succulent fertilizer in organic quality has proven to be a sensible means. This is usually characterized by an increased potassium content and is therefore perfect for water-storing plants. Nevertheless, it is always better to use less than too much fertilizer so that the plant roots do not burn under any circumstances.

Repot succulents

It is important for succulents to free them from their planter every few years and provide fresh substrate. Depending on the growth, the pot should also be replaced with a larger container at this point - provided the old one has become too small. For moisture-sensitive succulents, it is always a good idea to use a clay pot, which, unlike plastic containers, does not store water for long. Ideally, start repotting in spring and, as with planting, only use well-drained soil. In the new pot, always ensure good drainage through broken pottery at the bottom.

Succulent planting shovel rake
Succulents also enjoy a pot with fresh substrate [Photo: Chamille White/]

Here are some tips to keep in mind when caring for succulents properly:

  • Water only a little (maximum once a week)
  • Drain coasters
  • Fertilize every three weeks with organic cactus or succulent fertilizer only in the summer months
  • Repot every few years (drained soil, clay pot with drainage layer of potsherds)

Propagating Succulents: Offshoots & Co.

For anyone who wants to grow several succulents without buying a new plant directly, propagating the plant at home is a good idea. Succulents are extremely easy to propagate. Alone to vegetative propagation Depending on the species, you have two methods available: cuttings and offshoots (which are actually botanically known as "Kindels").

  1. cuttings: Ideal for succulents with a larger leaf surface. Ideally, cut a healthy leaf from the plant in spring and make another fine cut right at the edge of the leaf. Placed on potting soil, the leaf forms new small plants at the interface within a very short time, which can later be transplanted with their roots.
  2. child: Some succulent species form so-called children, which are often also referred to as offshoots. These are small plants that sprout right next to the mother plant. If they are large enough, they can even be cut off and replanted without their own roots.
Succulent cuttings
Many succulents are easy to propagate with offshoots. [Photo: Christina Siow/]

Succulents are often used as a decoration in the house. In this article you will find the most beautiful planting ideas for Succulents as decoration.