Bird bath in the garden: This is important to note

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Is it better to hang a bird bath or put it on a pole? Where should the bird bath be placed? And how do you manage to make the bird bath frost-proof?

Bird at bird bath
A bird bath is a welcome refreshment [Photo: SukHon/]

A bird bath in the garden offers a welcome refreshment for a large number, especially in the summer months Garden birds, because natural water points, such as puddles, streams and small ponds, are often only in towns and settlements few and far between. Particularly grain-eating bird species, for example goldfinch, chaffinch or yellowhammer, need a lot of water to successfully digest their food. In this article we would like to give you some useful tips on choosing the right bird bath, installing it and cleaning it.


  • Bird bath in the garden: This is important to note
  • Where should you place the bird bath?
  • Bird bath hanging or on a stick?
  • Bird bath not accepted: You can do that
  • Winterizing the bird bath
  • Bird bath or bird bath?

Bird bath in the garden: This is important to note

Whether it's a decorated water bowl, stone basin or trivet - a bird bath does not always have to be particularly elaborate and can often be made from the simplest materials. On the other hand, regular cleaning of the bird bath is much more important than its appearance, because the standing water can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria and bacteria, especially at high temperatures bird diseases develop, which are then passed on from bird to bird. That's why you should change the water every day in summer and clean the bird bath at regular intervals.

Notice: If you observe sick birds in your garden that show, for example, plumage damage, respiratory disorders or severe exhaustion, you should remove your bird bath, if necessary also stop feeding and report the find to the district veterinary office or to NABU Report. More information on how to deal with sick or injured birds can be found in our special article.

Bird bath in the garden
A bird bath should always be kept clean [Photo: Duncan Cook Drummond/]

Where should you place the bird bath?

The optimal location for a bird bath is a few meters from a hedge, tree or other protective vegetation. This gives the birds a good view of their surroundings without a predator sneaking up unnoticed. But they can also get to safety quickly if they are in danger.

When installing a bird bath, however, also pay attention to your own advantages and choose a place that you can see clearly from the terrace, for example. Because a water point in the garden not only supports the local wild bird populations, but also offers a great opportunity for bird watching.

Bird bath hanging or on a stick?

Whether a bird bath is hanging or mounted on a stick is basically a matter of taste. The only important thing is that with the hanging variant, no domestic cats or other predators can reach for the birds from above. And with the standing variant, the stick should be so long, thin and smooth that no curious paws can reach out from below. The advantage of a hanging water bowl, however, is that it is usually easier to remove and clean than a bowl screwed to a rod.

hanging bird bath
A hanging bird bath is often easier to remove and clean [Photo: Peppy Graphics/

Bird bath not accepted: You can do that

If your bird bath is not accepted, the first thing you should do is investigate the location carefully take, because if the birds do not feel safe there, they will also make the most beautiful bird bath avoid. Therefore, make sure that you have adequate protection against robbers and a well-visible environment.

In addition, the design of a natural garden with local wild herbs, insect-friendly flowers and dense vegetation increase the attractiveness of the environment and thus also of the water point itself and for you bird friendly garden care for. As a perfect addition, bird seed can also be placed near the drinking trough. Our species-appropriate Plantura all-season feed for example, can be offered all year round. It attracts a large number of garden birds, which can refresh themselves at the bird bath immediately after a meal.

Plantura year-round food for wild birds

Plantura year-round food for wild birds

High-protein year-round bird food
for all grain and soft feed eaters,
supports bird parents & their offspring

Buy here!

Winterizing the bird bath

Keeping a water point free of ice in winter is not that easy. The simplest solution is to constantly pour lukewarm water, which keeps the bird bath frost-free at least temporarily. It makes sense to place the drinking trough in a location that is easy to see and reach. You can also buy frost-proof bird baths that you can place on a hot plate, for example. Here, however, special caution is required in mild temperatures, since warm, stagnant water poses a risk of infection even in winter. The heating function should therefore really only be used when there is a risk of frost.

Bird bath or bird bath?

A bird bath always serves as a bird bath at the same time and vice versa - there is no real difference here. Any shallow bowl of water is used by birds for both drinking and bathing. By the way, the lively splashing is not only funny to look at, but also serves to groom the plumage and to get rid of vermin. This is another reason that a bird bath or bird bath in the garden should be cleaned regularly.

bathing bird
Birds like to bathe too [Photo: scooperdigital/ Shutterstock]

The birds at the water trough not only delight us with their cheerful nature, but also with their lovely bird calls. Why birds chirp and why bird calls change over the course of the day and the seasons, you can find out in our information article.

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