Drive away earth wasps: 14 quick home remedies

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Drive away earth wasps - title

table of contents

  • Drive away earth wasps
  • prevention
  • Demarcation
  • Create distraction
  • Smells
  • Copper coins
  • Plants & Herbs
  • frequently asked Questions

It is possible to drive away earth wasps gently and naturally with home remedies. However, very few variants are effective quickly.

In a nutshell

  • Removal of the nest is only allowed in special situations
  • Earth wasps are a protected species
  • Odorants are the most commonly used
  • if in doubt, involve nature conservation
  • not all home remedies are effective

Drive away earth wasps

Driving wasps out of your own garden is only necessary and allowed if they pose a threat. This is the case, for example, if:

  • there is an allergy
  • it is a very busy area
  • Pets use the area
  • Children play in the garden

There must therefore be a significant impairment in order for the evacuation or relocation of the nest to be permitted. If, on the other hand, it is in the natural garden corner or directly next to the compost, you have to leave it alone to protect the animals. Otherwise there is a risk of severe fines.

Earth wasps
Source: Soebe, Vespula vulgaris, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

Note: The nest is only inhabited for one year. So after just one season you won't have any more problems.


It is possible to drive away earth wasps before they even settle in the garden with the appropriate prevention. The following measures serve this purpose:

  • Do not leave windfalls lying around
  • do not store rotten or rotting wood in the garden
  • do not dispose of leftover food on the compost
  • do not eat in the garden
  • regular fertilization
  • regular lawn mowing
  • Sprinkling or watering
  • Scarifying in spring

Because of the many activities, the tranquility becomes the Wasp queen disturbed when trying to make a nest. Another advantage is that your lawn is well cared for and the plants can grow vigorously.

mowing machine


However, if wasps have settled and they are not allowed to be moved, a clearly visible demarcation can ensure that the area is at least not entered. This can significantly reduce the risk of stings.
If only adults move around in your garden, a circle made of stones is sufficient. For smaller children and pets, some sort of fence can be built out of stakes and a tarpaulin or wire. This variant is clearly more visible and also safer.

Create distraction

Distractions can help to keep the wasps off the table at least as quickly as possible. These include, for example:

  • vinegar
  • Leftover meat or sausage
  • Fruit juice
  • overripe fruit
  • Sugar water
Apple juice

Bowls filled with it and placed at a great distance attract the wasps and keep them away from other places. So this home remedy is at least worth a try.


Earth wasps are kept away from some odors. We introduce you to the most effective ones.

Burning coffee grounds

An old home remedy for wasps is burning coffee grounds or burning coffee powder. It should be effective quickly, is inexpensive and easy to use. However, this remedy only helps directly at the table and does not drive away earth wasps if they have already made a nest in the garden.

Coffee grounds

Tip: Another possibility is of course to distribute bowls of burning coffee around the entry holes.


Citronella candles are known to keep mosquitos away. But they should also be effective quickly with wasps. Since the smell alone has a deterrent effect, it is also gentle and natural.

Scented candles

Incense sticks

The smoke and smell are off-putting. They are cheap to buy and can be used directly on the nest, on the table or in the house.
When it comes to the aroma, you can choose the one that you personally prefer. Strong aromas are to be preferred.

Incense sticks against earth wasps

Tea tree oil

The essential oil does not smell pleasant to all people. But neither for earth wasps. That's why you can put the oil directly around and on the nest, sprinkle it on damp cloths or set up an aroma lamp.

Tea tree oil for pest control


Frankincense is better known from the church or from Christmas. However, the smell can be off-putting. Possible forms of application are:

  • volatile oil
  • Incense cones
  • Incense sticks

Copper coins

Copper coins are said to help keep wasps and snails away. However, the effect is more than controversial.

Copper coins for breaking the ant route
copper coins can be used to break an ant route

Plants & Herbs

Plants and herbs give off an intense scent that earth wasps can't stand and therefore stay away from.


Natural and easy for wasps to drive away is basil. The scent is not liked by the insects, so they stay away. Placing the plant on the balcony, terrace or even in front of windows is therefore a good home remedy.
In the garden you can also plant basil directly in a circle around the nest.

Basil in the pot

Note: On the one hand, the herb is healthy and tasty and therefore also a wonderful enrichment for the kitchen and health. On the other hand, rubbing the leaves helps to release a more intense odor and thus have a more deterrent effect.


Planting garlic plants in the garden can already help make it unattractive to wasps and other insects. Sliced ​​tubers or garlic oil are also options that can be applied directly to the nest.


Lavender and lavender oil can not only drive away earth wasps. They also serve to deter other unwanted insects. It is therefore best to plant several of these plants in the garden.
As an essential oil, lavender can be used even better and more versatile. For example, it can be placed on a damp cloth or in an aroma lamp.

Lavender plant in the garden bed


Cloves have many qualities and advantages, including, for example, their comparatively pungent and aromatic smell. Halved lemons sprinkled with cloves can help to drive them away at the table.
However, dried and grated cloves can also have an effect.



The fresh citrus scent is extremely pleasant for the human olfactory nerves. Wasps, on the other hand, are supposed to flee from it. For this it is supposedly enough to cut a lemon in half and put it aside or to add cloves to it. Lemon oil can also be used.

Cut lemon wedges

Note: Experience has shown that the scent does not help against wasps. Lemons are more attractive than repulsive, especially with fruits that are already very ripe and therefore sweet.

frequently asked Questions

When can the nest be covered?

In October at the latest, the fertilized female wasps moved to their winter quarters. Then, for example, a stone slab can be placed over the entry holes. This prevents a new settlement.

Are insecticides allowed?

No, these are forbidden as wasps are under nature protection. They also harm the environment. Fines are also possible here.

Can the nest be relocated?

Yes, that is possible. However, you should inform knowledgeable and experienced people instead of trying it yourself. Nature and animal protection can help you here.

Are earth wasps dangerous?

Stings are rare and only dangerous for allergy sufferers. Displacement or resettlement is therefore not absolutely necessary in every case.

What are natural predators?

Bee-eater, wasp-eater and red-backed killer as well as the wasp buzzard are possible. So offer the birds a suitable habitat in the garden in order to maintain a natural balance.

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