Mother-in-law seat ∗ The 10 best planting and care tips

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the essentials in brief

  • mother-in-law seat or Golden Globe Cactus is a South American cactus species with a spherical, ribbed growth habit, 5 cm long thorns and yellow bell-shaped flowers in advanced age.
  • Plant the mother-in-law seat in a sunny, warm location in a pot cactus soil and clay granules.
  • Care tips: during the growth phase, alternately water thoroughly and allow to dry, monthly fertilize with cactus fertilizer. Winter bright and cool from November to March, water in sips and do not fertilize.
  • Beautiful varieties: Echinocactus grusonii 'Krauskopf', Echinocactus grusonii 'Alba', Echinocactus grusonii 'Brevispinum' and Echinocactus grusonii 'Insermis'.


  • Scientific name: Echinocactus grusonii
  • Family: cactus (Cactaceae)
  • Synonyms: mother-in-law seat, gold ball cactus
  • Origin: Mexico
  • Growth form: spherical, unbranched
  • Growth height: 20 to 130 cm
  • Flowering period: July to September
  • Toxicity: non-toxic
  • Hardiness: not hardy


A mother-in-law's seat puts cactus collectors in suspense before the first yellow flowers appear. Even under ideal conditions in a sunny, warm location, several years pass before the first flowering period. You have to look carefully in order not to miss the desired moment. Echinocactus grusonii prepares a dense, hairy upholstery bed for the delicate flowers. The following table lists the details:

also read

  • The Echinocactus grusonii (globe cactus) is not poisonous
  • Types of spherical cactus suitable for indoor culture
  • A portrait of cacti - a profile to get to know them
First bloom from 5. until 10. standing year
heyday July to September
Blossom Position in the hair felt of the cactus crown
flower shape bell shaped
size 4 to 6 cm long
diameter 3 to 5 cm


The cactus is not a lethal injection like the nasty mother-in-law who gave it its name. However, the fearsome thorns should not be underestimated. Curved spines up to 5 cm long shape the appearance of the mother-in-law seat. No wonder that blood sometimes flows when planting and caring for them. The following video invites you to take a look at the imposing thorn cushions:

Golden ball cactus aka mother-in-law's seat presents its spines

Plant mother-in-law seat

Plant the frost-sensitive mother-in-law stool in a pot that is two to three centimeters larger in diameter than the root ball. Pots that are too large encourage harmful waterlogging, fatal root rot and deformed growth. How to properly plant a mother-in-law perch:

mix substrate

The optimal substrate for Echinocactus grusonii simulates the soil conditions at the South American desert site. It should be well drained with a certain storage capacity for water and nutrients. The following substrate mixture fulfills these criteria in an exemplary manner:

  • Cactus soil: 3 parts
  • coconut soil, pre-fertilized with cactus fertilizer: 2 parts
  • fine-grained quartz sand:(€26.00 at Amazon*) 1st chapter
  • lava granules(€14.00 at Amazon*) or clay granules: 1st chapter

Peat is not a suitable substrate component for cacti. Fluctuations in the water supply that require maintenance condense the peat content. Waterlogging and root rot are inevitable.

Plant golden globe cactus

The right planting technique protects the cactus gardener from injuries and the mother-in-law's seat from waterlogging. How to do it right:

  1. Create a drainage out of clay granules or place a curved potsherd over the water drain
  2. If at hand, spread a water- and air-permeable fleece over the drainage
  3. Fill in the substrate up to 3/4 of the height of the pot
  4. Make a small well in the cactus soil
  5. Put on thorn-resistant gloves
  6. Pot up the mother-in-law's seat and plant in the hollow
  7. Push the substrate over the root ball with a spoon or pricking stick until just below the plant body
  8. Water the gold ball cactus with rainwater or soft tap water

After planting, the cactus migrates to different locations, depending on the season. Please read the following notices.


The gold ball cactus responds to abrupt, unchecked sunlight with an unsightly, light yellow colour. The green plant body recovers from this sunburn only very slowly. It doesn't have to come to that. Give the freshly planted mother-in-law perch a 14-day period of acclimatization in a partially shaded location. Then the mother-in-law chair likes to take its regular place with these framework conditions:

  • As a houseplant: sunny to shady on a warm south-facing windowsill from the beginning of March to the end of October
  • On the balcony: sunny, warm and sheltered from the rain from May to September
  • In winter: from November to February ideally light and cool or sunny and with normal room temperature

A gold ball cactus should only be set up in partial shade for a short time in order to get used to the blazing sun. A permanently partially shaded location will affect the golden color of the thorns, prevent the formation of flowers and cause a columnar growth habit.


Accordion body protects against drought stress

In the hot, dry desert climate, ingenuity is required in order not to languish as a cactus under the merciless sun. The gold ball cactus solves the problem with 30 flexible ribs. They play the accordion in slow motion. When it rains, the ribs expand and store every drop of water. Parallel to the progressing drought, the ribbed body contracts.

Maintain mother-in-law seat

If a mother-in-law seat is given the right care, the magnificent cactus can weigh up to 300 kilograms and reach an age of 300 years. The five supporting pillars in the care program are explained briefly and compactly in the following sections:


The rule of thumb for the correct watering of cacti is: a periodically moist substrate with pronounced dry phases. That is how it goes:

  • Water your mother-in-law's seat with collected rainwater or stagnant tap water
  • Water thoroughly during the growing phase until water runs out from under the pot
  • Pour out the coaster after 10 minutes (ideally fill it with clay granules to protect against waterlogging)
  • Allow the substrate to dry noticeably until the next watering (finger test 2 cm deep)

The watering method recommended for cacti by dipping the root ball is for one Mother-in-law seat not recommended given the associated risk of injury from the sharp, hard thorns.


After planting or repotting, the nutrient reserves in the substrate are used up within six weeks. From now on you fertilize your golden ball cactus every 4 weeks from March to September with a liquid cactus fertilizer. Please water before and after with clear water for optimal absorption of the nutrients.


Every two to four years you should have a mother-in-law seat repot in fresh substrate. Best time is in February and March. To make it easier to repot a heavy, older specimen, stop watering a week beforehand. Well protected with thick leather gloves, remove the leached substrate from the root ball. The further procedure corresponds to the planting technique described above, including a phase of regeneration in the penumbra. The cactus is fertilized for the first time six to eight weeks after repotting.


Due to its spherical, unbranched growth habit, a mother-in-law's seat cannot serve with cuttings. Propagation is easy and uncomplicated sowing in coconut soil. Soak the seeds in lukewarm water or chamomile tea beforehand. Scatter the tiny seeds in a seed tray with a transparent lid. Press the light germs and water with a fine spray. The ideal germination temperature is between 16° and 28° Celsius (the warmer, the faster the germination).


Moving to winter quarters after the summer growth phase is advantageous for a spherical growth habit and early flowering period. Balcony cacti make a stopover on the window sill when it gets too cold outside in late summer with nighttime temperatures below 12° Celsius. So hibernate a mother-in-law seat correctly:

  • Preparation: from October reduce the amount of irrigation water, stop nutrient supply
  • From November to March put up in a bright, cool place with 8° to 10° Celsius
  • Water in sips, do not let the root ball dry out

It is important to note that during a cool hibernation, you should give the gold ball cactus well-dried soil.

Popular Varieties

These beautiful mother-in-law varieties inspire with unique attributes and round off your cactus collection brilliantly:

  • Echinocactus grusonii 'Crisp': rarity with 5 cm long, curled spines.
  • Echinocactus grusonii 'Alba': delighted with a white dress of thorns.
  • Echinocactus grusonii 'Brevispinum': boasts short, thick spines.
  • Echinocactus grusonii 'Insermis': family-friendly variety with extra short spines and woolly areoles.


What does the scientific name Echinocactus grusonii mean?

With the scientific name for the golden ball cactus, the botanical society commemorates Hermann August Jacques Gruson (03/13/1821 to 01/30/1895). The Prussian inventor and entrepreneur made a name for himself as a cactus collector. At the time, he owned the largest cactus collection in Europe, which he bequeathed to his hometown of Magdeburg. The Grusongreenhouses(€294.00 at Amazon*) are now part of the garden dreams of Saxony-Anhalt.

My golden globe cactus is sunburned. What to do?

A typical symptom of sunburn on cacti is a light yellow coloration in areas that are exposed to direct sunlight. There is an immediate need for action to ensure that the damaged areas do not cork or lignify. Get your golden globe cactus out of the sun and place it in partial shade for a few weeks. Spray the epidermis with an amino acid agent from the cactus trade for quick damage limitation.

Is a mother-in-law seat suitable for cold and warm hibernation?

Thanks to its adaptability, you can winterize the mother-in-law seat either cold or warm. The more advantageous variant at a cool 10° Celsius often fails when it comes to suitable winter quarters. A warm hibernation in the heated living room is possible on the sunny window seat. Regular turning effectively prevents misshapen growth.

How Often Should I Water a Mother-In-Law Seat?

During the growth phase, water a young mother-in-law perch in a sunny spot every 7 days. If the golden globe cactus is larger than 20 centimeters, extend the watering intervals to 2 to 3 weeks. From a diameter of 40 centimeters, these cacti can survive several weeks dry and undamaged. This information is provided as a guide only. Only the obligatory finger test underpins the current watering needs. Irrespective of age and size, water the cactus in sips in winter if the soil has dried well beforehand.