Small black insects like dashes: what is it?

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Small black insects like dashes

Especially in muggy weather we often encounter insects that look like small black lines. Who is hiding behind it? How do you get rid of them?

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In a nutshell

  • Thunderstorm animals, popular name for thrips or bladder feet
  • small black insects that look like dashes
  • order of thrips
  • often appear when thunderstorms are approaching
  • 200 different species native to Germany

Table of contents

  • recognize thunderstorm creatures
  • way of life
  • Prevent
  • Detect infestation on plants
  • Measures in the event of an infestation
  • frequently asked Questions

recognize thunderstorm creatures

They are black or brown, only one to three millimeters long and thin. Some species have wings. When they crawl across the skin, the insects look like small black lines. your name is thrips or bladder feet, which scientifically belong to the order of thrips (Thysanoptera). They are popularly known as

  • thunderstorm creatures
  • thunderworm
  • flicker
  • black flies

The larvae of the thunderstorm animals are white or light green. They can often be seen on the underside of leaves.

Thunderstorm creatures often appear when thunderstorms are in the air. they land in the face, crawl over the skin and disturb when staying outdoors. The annoying animals are particularly unpopular with athletes, as they often get caught in the eye when running or cycling.

thrips on plant

A notice: Most thunderstorm creatures do not have wings and cannot fly alone. Even individual species with wings only rarely fly actively. Rather, the mini insects are carried further by the air currents.

way of life

Thrips feed on the sap of plants. Their mouthparts are designed for piercing and sucking.

In sultry thunderstorm weather, the little animals appear en masse. Whole swarms quickly penetrate the apartments through open windows and doors. They like to crawl behind computer screens.

Hand closes window when it rains
It is best to keep the windows closed in muggy thunderstorm weather.

It is hardly possible to drive away the insects. However, you can protect yourself and your home with our tips:

  1. In the summer, keep the doors and windows of lighted rooms closed.
  2. Stay away from crop fields in muggy weather.
  3. Avoid clothing in bright, bright colors. White, yellow and orange are magically attracted to thrips.
  4. Cover skin in muggy weather. Human sweat is attractive to thrips and other insects.
  5. Protect your eyes with safety goggles when exercising outdoors.

A notice: Thrips are able to inflate the end phalanges of their feet to get a better grip on plants. For this reason, they are also known as blister feet.


Thunderstorm creatures love dry heat. Place bowls of water near your houseplants. Regular spraying of the plants prevents infestation. Insects don't like moisture.

Detect infestation on plants

Infestation of thrips on golden fruit palm
Damage caused by thrips on dragon tree (Dracaena)

thunderstorm creatures can damage indoor plants as well as useful and ornamental plants. They often infest

  • ficus species
  • Palm trees
  • cyclamen
  • Christmas star
  • orchids
  • zucchini
  • cucumbers

The infestation shows up

  • silver-grey speckles on the leaves
  • brownish discoloration and deformation of the leaves
  • stunted growth

Tip: Sticky traps protect indoor plants from thrips and other plant pests.

Measures in the event of an infestation

Shower off Chinese fig (Ficus microcarpa) infested with thrips
Thrips can sometimes be removed with a strong jet of water.
  • Isolate infested houseplants
  • Wipe pests off the leaves
  • shower thoroughly
  • repeat after a few days

Tip: If thunderstorm creatures appear again on a plant, it is likely that larvae are still hiding in the ground. Replace the substrate entirely. Dispose of the old substrate in the residual waste.

frequently asked Questions

Can thunderstorm creatures sting?

With their pointed mouthparts, the small insects can bite hard. They leave an itchy, red patch on the skin. Why they bite is not fully understood. After all, they don't feed on blood, but on plant sap. It is possible that they are attracted to human sweat and want to absorb moisture.

Are thrips dangerous for pets?

The insects do not transmit diseases. They can also bite pets, leaving behind inflammatory swellings that mosquito bites resemble

How long do thunderstorm creatures live?

The lifespan of the annoying insects depends on the climate. On average, they live a few weeks to two months. However, they reproduce so quickly that several generations are born each year.

Are thunderstorm creatures pests?

Some species of thrips are considered crop pests. In barley in particular, an infestation can lead to major crop failures. At the same time, however, they are useful as pollinators of certain plant species, such as common heather and lantana.