Black-headed birds: 16 native species

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Black Headed Birds - Title

table of contents

  • Types from A - C
  • Types of D - J
  • Types of K - R
  • Types from S - Z
  • frequently asked Questions

There are many native bird species. Some are brightly colored from head to toe. Other birds are monochrome or multicolored with a completely black head or cap.

In a nutshell

  • Blackbird a widespread songbird in the garden
  • playful common raven is the largest European raven bird
  • Magpies are extremely intelligent
  • Great tit is the largest tit species in this country

Types from A - C

Alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus)

Alpine chough
  • Size: 37 to 41 cm
  • Appearance: yellow beak bent upwards, red legs, otherwise completely black
  • Occurrence: steep rock faces, scree slopes, lawns in the Alps
  • Food: small soil insects, berries, seeds, carrion, human leftovers
  • Special features: Appearance is reminiscent of the blackbird, very sociable, out and about in large groups

Blackbird (Turdus merula)

  • Black Thrush
  • Size: 24 to 27 cm
  • Appearance: Males completely black with a yellow bill, females dark brown
  • Occurrence: often found in gardens, not shy
  • Food: worms, insects, snails, berries, seeds, fruits
  • Special features: songbird, imitates whistles and other noises

White wagtail (Motacilla alba)

  • Size: 16 to 19 cm
  • Appearance: black head and chest, white face and belly, gray on top, black tail
  • Occurrence: in dense bushes near water, open cultivated landscapes, fields, settlements
  • Food: insects, larvae, worms, snails, seeds
  • Special features: foraging mainly on the ground, tripping with quick steps

Coot (Fulica atra)

  • Size: 36 to 42 cm
  • Appearance: slate-gray plumage, black head, white beak, white forehead shield, large feet with swimming lobes
  • Occurrence: Fresh water with floating plants and bank vegetation such as ponds, lakes, rivers
  • Food: omnivores, parts of plants, reeds, cereals, insects, mollusks, fish, waste
  • Special features: walking over water lilies, jerking head movements when swimming

Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)

great spotted woodpecker
  • Size: 20 to 24 cm
  • Appearance: crown and neck black, white cheeks, red spot on the back of the head, upper side black, underside gray, red undercap
  • Occurrence: deciduous and mixed forests, parks, gardens, avenues
  • Food: insects, larvae, berries, nuts, tree sap, seeds
  • Special features: curling trees in spring

Types of D - J

Jackdaw (Corvus monedula)

  • Size: 33 to 39 cm
  • Appearance: black headstock, shimmering metallic blue, black-gray plumage, short legs, short and thick beak
  • Occurrence: settlement areas, parks, open areas
  • Food: omnivores, mainly seeds and insects, as well as carrion, bird eggs, small vertebrates, human waste

Note: The birds with black heads reach speeds of up to 60 km / h in flight.

Magpie (pica pica)

Magpie, birds with black heads
  • Size: up to 51 cm
  • Appearance: black and white plumage, completely black head
  • Occurrence: bushy forests, open areas, parks, gardens
  • Food: earthworms, insects, larvae, bird eggs, fruits, seeds, human waste
  • Special features: curious, very clever, runs and hops a lot on the ground

Bullfinch or Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)

Bullfinches, bullfinches, black-headed birds
  • Size: 15 to 19 cm
  • Appearance: black head cap, white rump, males bright red breast and belly, females gray-brown
  • Occurrence: coniferous woods
  • Diet: soggy seeds, buds, insects
  • Special features: often wandering around in family groups in autumn

Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis)

Collar snapper
  • Size: 12 to 13 cm
  • Appearance: black head with white spot on the forehead, white collar, underside white, upper side black, females gray-brown
  • Occurrence: orchards, gardens, parks, deciduous forests
  • Diet: insects, larvae, berries
  • Special features: catches flies in flight

Types of K - R

Common raven (Corvus corax)

Common raven
  • Size: 54 to 67 cm
  • Appearance: solid black, shiny blue-violet in the light, large head with strong beak
  • Occurrence: Forests, semi-open landscapes, settlement areas
  • Food: omnivores, predominantly animal food such as bird eggs, insects, small vertebrates, human waste
  • Special features: very adaptable and playful, largest raven bird in Europe

Great tit (Parus major)

Great tit
  • Size: 13 to 15 cm
  • Appearance: black head with white cheeks, yellow underside with black vertical stripes, back green-yellow, blue-gray wings with white band
  • Occurrence: deciduous and mixed forests, parks, gardens
  • Food: insects, larvae, spiders, caterpillars, seeds
  • Special features: largest Titmouse Europe

Hooded crow (Corvus corone)

Hooded crow
  • Size: 46 to 50 cm
  • Appearance: black head, black breast, wings and tail, remaining plumage gray
  • Occurrence: mainly in settlement areas, parks
  • Food: omnivores, insects, larvae, bird eggs, small birds and fish, berries, carrion, human waste
  • Special features: in winter in flocks with other corvids such as jackdaws and rooks.

Types from S - Z

Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)

  • Size: 11 to 13 cm
  • Appearance: Males black head with white spot on the neck, orange-brown underside, dark tail, light-colored wings
  • Occurrence: Meadows, wasteland, open areas, moors
  • Food: insects, spiders, worms
  • Special features: ground-breeder, classified as endangered on the red list in Germany

Rook (Corvus frugilegus)

  • Size: up to 46 cm
  • Appearance: completely black with a reddish sheen, pointed beak, throat pouch below the beak for transporting food
  • Occurrence: open arable and meadow land with trees and shrubs
  • Food: seeds, fruits, slugs, earthworms, beetles, mice, carrion
  • Special features: Bird of the year 1986

Star (Sturnus vulgaris)

  • Size: 19 to 22 cm
  • Appearance: Plumage and head black basic color with a metallic blue sheen, plain dress with white spots, yellow beak
  • Occurrence: gardens, forests, parks
  • Diet: insects, earthworms, snails, fruits, berries

Note: The metallic shimmering birds with black heads are now considered endangered in Germany.

Coal Tit (Parus ater)

Coal Tit
  • Size: 10 to 11 cm
  • Appearance: black head and chin flap, white belly, back and wings gray to bluish, white wing bands
  • Occurrence: coniferous and mixed forests
  • Diet: small insects, seeds of conifers
  • Special features: belongs to the smallest species of titmouse

frequently asked Questions

Does the term “thieving magpie” really apply to birds?

They are said to hoard glittering objects such as jewelry in their nests. Scientific research has shown that magpies show no interest in such objects. On the contrary, they find “glittery things” rather frightening. However, it should not be forgotten that they steal young birds and eggs from other nests.

Can carrion and hooded crows be hunted in Germany?

According to the EU bird protection directive from 1979, European bird species are protected. However, there are exceptions, since 1994 magpies, jays and carrion and hooded crows can be hunted, except during the breeding season. Hunting is regulated by the individual federal states.

Why does the great spotted woodpecker ring trees in spring?

He likes to sip tree sap. To do this, he has to chop small holes around the trunk or on the top of branches. These then fill with the juices. After a while, the wounds close and the so-called rings appear, hence the name marigolds or marigolds. curl.

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