Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid'

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Table of contents

  • Different uses
  • The heyday
  • The care
  • The site
  • The cut
  • The planting
  • The fertilizing
  • frequently asked Questions

If you want to make your garden particularly beautiful, you can't avoid Clematis. The great flower colors and the great variety make this plant so popular. The Clematis Hagley Hybrid is also one of the popular garden plants. The clematis is versatile and enjoys great popularity in gardens as well as on balconies and terraces.

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Different uses

While clematis grew wild in the past, the plant has now been "tamed" and cultivated. She delights with her great blooms, her easy care and her exceptionally good growth very popular and can be used in many gardens, as well as on balconies or terraces find. Gladly as a container plant, as it is particularly flexible and takes up little of its own soil. However, the plant can also be planted directly in the garden soil, but should not get too close to other plants.

Clematis comes in a very wide variety. The type of flowers alone ranges from large flowers that open like stars to small delicate flowers that look like little bells and in many different colors are available. The large flowers in particular are very common in our latitudes.

The heyday

The main flowering time of the clematis is in June, July, August and September. However, this does not mean that the plant does not give pleasure in the other months. Its large green leaves, which spread over a large area due to the growth of the plant, are very beautiful to look at in the warm season. The clematis is also often used as a privacy screen on wire mesh fences or as an archway. The plant sets the scene perfectly on small arbors. And if you own a wrought-iron pavilion or something similar, you will certainly want to let the clematis climb there for a long time.


Clematis requires little space because the plant opens upwards. Even a small garden can therefore benefit from this magnificent plant.

The care

In order to be able to give exactly the right information when caring for it, it is important to know the type of clematis. There are different types of growth for each variety. Some clematis varieties grow several meters per year, others significantly less. Winter hardiness can also vary. Especially the varieties that keep their green leaves for a very long time or even all year round are very susceptible when it comes to cold and frost.

And there are also quite different manifestations of the sun. Some clematis love the sun and are happy about a suitable place. Others prefer partial shade or even full shade.


Clematis Alice Fisk or Clematis Fireworks, among others, require little sun. The Clematis Carnaby, on the other hand, can be set up freely. She likes sun, as well as penumbra and shade.

The Hagley Hybrid, on the other hand, is very frugal and therefore particularly suitable for inexperienced gardeners. The large pink flowers and the green leaves look forward to a humus-rich garden soil that is watered regularly. The Hagley Hybrid can also be planted in a tub or simple pot. However, it would be important here that it is fertilized with a natural fertilizer from time to time. This saves space in the garden and allows the plant to move to a warm quarter during the cold winter months. If uncut and covered, it would survive the winter outdoors in a bucket or other container.

The site

The Hagley Hybrid is very simple when it comes to location. It can be planted in the sun as well as in partial shade. However, care should be taken to ensure that the large-flowered plant is regularly watered. She is very thirsty and needs enough water for her great flowers.


The plant grows an average of 2 to 3 meters per year. Even if it is cut back vigorously in spring, this should always be considered when choosing the location.

The cut

The Hagley Hybrid is always blended in March. And that's when the frost is over and the plants come back to life. It should then be cut back to 30 to 50 cm. Please do not be afraid that if the plant is pruned so vigorously in summer, it will no longer be able to serve as a privacy screen. It grows so fast that the bald spot caused by the cut is quickly closed again. If the Hagley Hybrid is not pruned back hard enough, it will no longer climb walls, fences or trellises properly. Above all, bare spots would appear in the lower area, which not only looks ugly, but would also unnecessarily rob the plant of its strength.

The planting

Planting clematis is a little different than other garden plants. It is important to note that:

  • the plant is placed in the ground at a slight angle
  • no root competition can be found nearby
  • the plants are best planted in late summer
  • the planting hole must be two spades deep
  • longer shoots can be placed around the climbing aid from the start

If this is observed when planting, something can go wrong and you will be very happy with this beautiful plant.

The fertilizing

Clematis should generally be fertilized with mature compost in the spring. In addition, lime can be given again and again throughout the year. All plants in tubs and other containers must be treated to a soil replacement once a year. In addition, liquid fertilizer should be poured from time to time.

frequently asked Questions

Which location is the best?

In the best case, the location is sunny to a maximum of semi-shady. The Hagley Hybrid needs the sun to sprout and grow really vigorously.

When can the Hagley Hybrid be blended?

In the best case in spring. March, with its first warming rays of sunshine, is the ideal month for a vigorous pruning. You should not be too squeamish here and set the scissors 30 to 50 cm above the ground. This is the only way to guarantee that the plant will be able to sprout properly again in the coming season.

Why don't clematis like root competition?

The plants need a lot of nutrients as well as the water from the soil. If other plants are nearby, they may compete for nutrients and water and the plants cannot grow properly. If there are problems with the open space then the Hagley Hybrid should be planted in a pot or other container where there can be no root competition.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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