Can you fertilize fruit trees with coffee grounds?

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Fertilize fruit trees with coffee grounds

In order for fruit trees to grow well and produce lots of fruit, they must be supplied with nutrients on a regular basis. Many gardeners use home remedies for this. We are investigating whether fruit trees can also be fertilized with coffee grounds.

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In a nutshell

  • In principle, fertilizing with coffee grounds is possible, but not recommended
  • contains too much nitrogen in relation to
  • stimulates leaf growth so that fewer flowers and fruits are set
  • acidifies the soil
  • large quantities necessary, d. H. also a lot of caffeine

Table of contents

  • Fertilize fruit trees with coffee grounds?
  • Problem acidic soil
  • Exception: blueberries & Co.
  • frequently asked Questions

Fertilize fruit trees with coffee grounds?

they should fruit trees do not fertilize with coffee grounds, as these

  • contains too much nitrogen
  • acidified the soil
Fruit rot on the apple tree
Incorrect nutrient supply can promote fungal diseases such as fruit rot on apple trees.

When it comes to nitrogen, you have to be very careful when fertilizing fruit trees: too much of this nutrient is stimulating the growth of shoots and leaves increases, but the tree sets fewer flowers and therefore fewer fruits at. In return, the increased growth ensures a denser crown and, as a result, poorer ventilation of the fruit tree. Finally, poor ventilation promotes the formation

various diseases, mainly of fungal origin.

Problem acidic soil

Furthermore, coffee grounds are a good source of humus, i. H. it supports the development of healthy soil life and thus the production of humus, but at the same time lowers the soil pH away. Fruit trees, on the other hand, thrive best at a neutral pH between 6.0 and 6.5.

Sweet cherry (Prunus avium)
Sweet cherry (Prunus avium)

Sweet cherries even do best in calcareous soils with a higher pH. So using coffee grounds would be counterproductive in this case. Alternatively, you could of course counteract the acidification by lime regularly. However, this would mean additional effort.

A notice: Another reason not to fertilize fruit trees with coffee grounds is the sheer quantity: you would have to apply several liters per tree. This large amount in turn releases a lot of caffeine. Such a dose is highly problematic not only for humans, but also for plants.

Exception: blueberries & Co.

Some berry bushes however need one acidic soil, why you

  • blueberries
  • Cranberries
  • and cranberries

can certainly fertilize with coffee grounds, in contrast to most fruit trees. But be careful: Here the fertilization should not be done with pure coffee ground, as this still contains too much nitrogen for the fruit trees. Instead, mix commercial berry fertilizer with some dried coffee grounds.

Blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus)

In this way, the berries get all the nutrients they need in the required composition and at the same time you ensure the slightly acidic pH value of the soil. However, you should not use more than a heaping tablespoon of dried coffee grounds per shrub and mix them with the berry fertilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Tip: Instead, you can also supply the berry bushes mentioned with conventional rhododendron fertilizer.

Use dried coffee grounds

It is also important that you should not use ground coffee powder because of the high caffeine content. Instead, take the coffee grounds that are left in the filter or cup after brewing and dry them thoroughly. Drying can take place, for example, in the oven or in the microwave. You should not use the product when it is damp and fresh, as this can lead to mold.

Fertilize the plant with dried coffee grounds
Only use dried coffee grounds as fertilizer.

frequently asked Questions

Which fertilizers are better for fruit trees?

Optimal fertilizers for fruit trees are above all mature compost and well-rotted stable manure, especially from cattle or horses. You can also do both with something horn meal or horn shavings and, for a better supply of minerals, mix with primary rock powder. For a good, home-made fruit tree fertilizer, mix about three liters of compost or manure with 60 grams of horn meal and 40 grams of bedrock meal. This amount is sufficient for spring fertilization for a larger apple tree.

Which home remedies are suitable for fertilizing fruit trees?

They are also suitable for fertilizing fruit trees banana peels very good, which you chop, dry and pulverize in the blender. Then mix them with crushed eggshells and horn meal. Alternatively, you can simply cut the banana peels into small pieces and work them directly into the root area. Banana peels contain a lot of potassium and magnesium, which promotes the water balance as well as the blossom and fruit set. But be careful: They are only suitable as a supplement, not as a substitute for an organic complete fertilizer.

For which plants is coffee grounds suitable as fertilizer?

Plants that prefer acidic soil in particular benefit from fertilizing with coffee grounds. These include many popular ornamental plants such as rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias or hydrangeas. In addition, coffee grounds can be used as a supplementary fertilizer for heavy-duty crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini as well as for strawberries. Under no circumstances should you use the product to fertilize cabbage plants, root vegetables and asparagus.

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