Can dragonflies sting or bite?

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Can dragonflies sting or bite?

Dragonflies (Odonata) prefer to buzz around near bodies of water and thus also around garden ponds. The question often arises as to whether these insects can sting or bite. We have the answer for you.

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In a nutshell

  • Dragonflies mostly shy of people
  • some species have spines
  • Sting has a specific function

Table of contents

  • Dragonflies with spikes
  • lancing function
  • mouthparts
  • dragonflies in dangerous situations
  • danger to humans
  • frequently asked Questions

Dragonflies with spikes

There are more than 5,000 different dragonfly species worldwide, but only 81 are native to Germany. Of these, only a few have a stinger and these are exclusively females. Males have no sting.

Great dragonfly (Anax imperator)
Source: Alun Williams333, Anax imperator ymerawdwr, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

There is a reason for this: the sting was not originally used for stinging, but as a so-called "laying drill". The females use it to bore/press holes in aquatic plants, for example. Their eggs then slide down the spine. Some of the best-known dragonflies with stings include the following:

  • Great darter (Sympetrum striolatum)
  • Great dragonfly (Anax imperator)
  • Blue-green mermaid (Aeshna cyanea)
  • Striped Spring Damsel (Cordulegaster bidentata)

A notice: It is often wrongly assumed that stinging dragonflies always sit down when laying their eggs. But that's not always the case. There are exceptions, such as the Green River Damsel (Ophiogomphus cecilia, Syn.: Ophiogomphus serpentinus), which sits down to press but sheds its eggs in flight.

lancing function

Dragonflies that have a stinger can also sting humans and living creatures. From a sting, as by wasps or mosquitoes is known, however, cannot be the question. Their spines are very blunt. This means they cannot get through the upper layer of skin. Anyone who is "stung" only feels a slight pressure. This is roughly comparable to the "prick" of a ballpoint pen.


All dragonflies have sharp teeth on the upper jaw (mandible). They use these to bite and chew their food, which they hold on to with their toothless lower jaw (maxilla).

The teeth are not intended for biting enemies. Nevertheless, under certain circumstances it can happen that they cause a slight pinching through the open mouth part. A deliberate biting cannot be assumed even in dangerous situations.

River Damsel (Gomphidae) eats something on a leaf

A notice: The fact that dragonflies don't actually bite properly, nor can they cause stab wounds, refutes the widely held claim that dragonflies can kill humans and even horses.

dragonflies in dangerous situations

If dragonflies are in a dangerous situation, they usually do not consciously use their sting as a defense or defense instrument. Rather, it is used automatically when you want/have to free yourself from a tight situation. This is the case, for example, when they are caught and grasped by a human hand. They try to free themselves from the situation with all their limbs and also unconsciously use their stingers to push off and away. In such stressful situations, they may also open and close their mouths several times. It can happen that "accidentally" a little skin gets in between and a slight bite can be felt.

danger to humans

Dragonflies are just as harmless to humans as they are to dogs, cats, and other pets. Therefore, they are not to be seen as a threat, especially since they normally avoid close proximity to humans. However, should a dragonfly dare to approach, certain behaviors should be observed - not just to avoid it a "sting" and a "bite", but principally in order not to put dragonflies in a dangerous situation that they perceive to be dangerous bring. Therefore the following applies:

Great Blue Arrow (Orthetrum cancellatum) in glass
Large Blue Arrow (Orthetrum cancellatum) in jar to safely get him out of the room
  • no hectic movements
  • do not catch or reach for them
  • if it has flown into the living room, carefully relocate it outdoors without skin contact
  • if dragonfly gets very close or sits on body parts, carefully push away with slow movements

frequently asked Questions

How to safely get a dragonfly out of the apartment?

Within closed rooms, dragonflies are mainly attracted to daylight and therefore to the windows. If it doesn't find its way through by itself, wait until it settles on the pane. Take a glass or a mug and quickly put it over the dragonfly. You can close the opening with a piece of cardboard or something similar and the insect can be released outside again.

Does a dragonfly sting and bite hurt?

No. If a dragonfly presses its stinger against your skin, you will only feel it as a dull pressure. While her teeth are sharp, she does not consciously bite with the intent to hurt. You will not notice more than a small pinch, which can usually only cause a small shock at most in sensitive children.

What are dragonflies good for in the garden?

Dragonflies eat the mosquitoes that fly around in the summer months. In addition, they look very beautiful in their variety of colors.