The 10 best additions to a self-sufficient garden

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The 10 best additions to a self-sufficient garden

Your own garden offers more potential than many gardeners suspect. In addition to the basic supply of fruit and vegetables, there are other possible uses. We present 10 excellent additions to your self-sufficient garden.

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In a nutshell

  • independent energy and water supply
  • animal husbandry as a source of food
  • Combine privacy screen and compost (create Benjeshecke)
  • Expand storage options through ground rent
  • Sell ​​products such as honey, wax or seeds

Table of contents

  • Spring
  • Photovoltaic system
  • beekeeping
  • poultry farming
  • Seed and seedling sales
  • medicinal plants
  • earth rent
  • benje hedge
  • edible fish farming
  • small winery
  • Summary and conclusion
  • frequently asked Questions


If you want to live as self-sufficiently as possible, this is the Installation of a fountain recommended. Depending on where you live and the groundwater level there, you supply your garden with sufficient water for the plants and animals via a well. In combination with a cistern or rain barrels the well can be used to partially or completely dispense with tap water. This is easy on the wallet, even if the well construction can be very expensive.

well construction

This is how the implementation works

  • Groundwater level: Before digging a well, you must find out the height of the groundwater level on your property. From this the availability of the well water dependent. Contact points for this are the water supplier of the community, approved well builders or the water authority of the region. You can also find plans on the Internet or ask your neighbors if they already have a well.
  • Building Requirements: You must also find out whether it is possible or permitted to dig a well on your property. This is very important if you live in a water protection zone, which makes it impossible to dig a well. A well water analysis is necessary if you also want to use it as a drinking water well. You also need one Approval from the health department, so that the well water can be used as drinking water.
  • fountain type: You can choose from a classic drilled, shaft or rammed well. A ramming well is usually operated with a hand pump.
  • Self employed or professional: Finally, you have to decide whether to hit the fountain yourself or the one construction of a company let take over. Ideally, a professional will take care of this, as well construction is not a simple matter. If you want to lend a hand yourself, you must familiarize yourself with the subject matter.

Photovoltaic system

In addition to a fountain, you can access a Photovoltaic system (PV system) put on the roof of your house or an outbuilding. PV systems generate solar power and are therefore ideal for a self-sufficient lifestyle. A large part of the electricity consumption of a self-sufficient garden and the surrounding buildings can be replaced by the addition of PV systems, especially in sunny regions. On average, power consumption can be reduced by 50 percent thanks to the optimized, modern solar modules. In gardens, some of the power consumption can be completely covered by solar power. The installation of a PV system involves a certain amount of effort. It is advisable to hire a professional to do the installation.

Photovoltaic system is attached to a house roof

Prerequisites and implementation

  • Alignment: Make sure that your PV system faces south, south-west or south-east. A north orientation is unfavorable. If only a west-east orientation is available, both roof areas should be covered.
  • roof pitch: A roof pitch of 20 to 40° is recommended for the PV system. This enables the optimal energy yield.
  • shading: Neither trees nor other buildings should cast shadows on the solar panels. Even slight shading reduces energy production considerably.
  • Connection: The PV systems must be wired precisely. Above all, the installation of the inverter and the wiring to the building is important to avoid problems during power generation. Connection to the house network is only possible via a registered electrician. You are not allowed to do this yourself.
  • substructure: The building must have the correct statics to support the additional weight of the solar panels. In this case you need to contact a structural engineer. The substructure must also be suitable for the roof type. The help of a professional is recommended for this.


Honey and wax are products that can be produced with your own beekeeping. For this reason, your own small beekeeping is an excellent addition to the self-sufficient garden. On average, two to five beehives are sufficient for self-sufficiency. The space requirement is around 100 square meters per colony for the daily work of the hard-working insects, while the hives themselves only require half a square meter to a full square meter of space. Honey and other bee products can also be sold freely on your own property as long as no foreign ingredients are added. This means that excess can be offered without any problems.

beekeepers work


  • Apiary or Freestanding: You can either set up the hives freely or build an apiary. Apiaries have the advantage that you can easily take care of the colonies in all weather conditions. In addition, the honey harvesting equipment can be easily placed in the apiary for immediate processing. If you do not have space for an apiary, you will need a room for processing the honey.
  • Honey Harvesters: The honey harvesting equipment does not include the beekeeper's protective clothing, but the honey extractor and sieves. You need a honey extractor to get the sweet produce out of the honeycombs. It also makes the wax easier to remove and use. Liquefiers such as heating coils and strainers help prepare the honey for use.
  • Bottling and storage: Sufficient space for filling and storing the products is also part of the equipment of your beekeeping. Make sure you have enough space for the honey.

poultry farming

Poultry farming is ideal for self-sufficient people who have little space for keeping livestock. Compared to pigs, goats or sleep consume birds like Chicken, ducks or pheasants only little space, are easy to care for and deliver quite high yields. In addition to meat, eggs and feathers can also be used. When keeping poultry, certain conditions must be observed.

Chickens and rooster free range


  • required space: The space requirement is essential when keeping poultry so that the animals can develop well. This varies from species to species. For chickens, for example, a bar width of at least 30 centimeters and an outlet of at least four square meters are recommended. Of course, more space is better.
  • enclosure: The barn for the birds not only has to offer enough space. They need easy access to water troughs and feeding stations. It must be weatherproof and well protected. This also applies to the outdoor enclosure. Above all, protection from predators is important. Inform yourself extensively about what the enclosure has to offer for the animals. Waterfowl, for example, also need a garden pond or something similar.
  • Food: Make sure there is enough food for the animals. If you are self-sufficient, you can grow suitable food plants. Many animals like ducks are even ideal to like pests snails unable to make.
  • Health: Find out more about the legal requirements for the health of poultry. You must register each individual animal with the competent veterinary office in your region. Furthermore, it is necessary that Animal Diseases Act, to observe the hygiene regulations, compulsory vaccination and pharmaceutical law in poultry farming. This will keep the animals from getting sick so you don't get sick from eating the food.

Seed and seedling sales

When producing fruit and vegetables yourself, the question often arises as to whether only the finished products can be sold. In addition to the fruit itself, you can easily sell seedlings and seeds to earn extra money. This increases the effectiveness of your garden. There are several points to consider with this supplement so that legal problems do not arise.

Seedlings in cultivation containers

Important for sale

  • Sell ​​commercial free: If you do not want to register a business, you may only offer the seeds and seedlings on your property or directly from the field. You must ensure that the products have not been modified (original product). A farm shop falls under the commercial obligation. Alternatively, you can offer your produce at the weekly market, as long as you get permission from your municipality. A fee is usually charged for this.
  • Seed Trading Act: You absolutely have to do this when selling Seed Trading Act observe. It regulates the provisions for the sale of seeds and seedlings (propagating material). According to the Seed Trading Act, only certified seeds and seedlings from them may be offered, even as a private seller. Which varieties are involved and what you also have to consider can be found in the law.
  • Register varieties: If you want to offer a variety that is not subject to the list of varieties, you must register it with the Federal Plant Variety Office. A one-off fee of around 200 euros is due for this, which grants plant variety protection for up to 30 years. This also applies to seedlings from varieties that you want to register.

medicinal plants

Many self-sufficient people do not necessarily think of medicinal plants when planning their garden. The offer Herbs and aromatic plants to relieve numerous ailments, especially in the pain area. In addition, many of the plants are used in the kitchen, which means they have more than one purpose. Some ensure that the stomach settles, while others help with headaches. In addition, they can be cultivated in the spaces between beds, planters or hanging baskets. The majority of suitable medicinal plants for self-sufficiency are space-saving.

Marigold (Calendula officinalis) oil in a jar
Calendula Oil

11 suitable self-sufficient medicinal plants

Surname botanical name use and benefit
arnica Arnica montana A popular medicinal plant that has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. It is primarily processed into teas and ointments.
valerian Valeriana officinalis Valerian focuses on relaxation. The medicinal herb is often used to combat stress and sleep problems.
basil Ocimum basilicum The herb is popular in the kitchen because of its characteristic taste and has antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
Verbena Verbena officinalis Verbena essential oils help with colds and bladder problems. It is especially popular as a tea.
houseleek sempervivum The succulents can be made into pain-relieving ointments that help with sunburn, insect bites and burns.
chamomile Matricaria chamomilla An ideal medicinal plant not only as a tea, but also as an ingredient in ointments to relieve inflammation.
Garlic Allium sativum A classic that not only tastes good, but is also popular because of its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect.
lavender Lavandula angustifolia Similar to valerian, lavender essential oils relax nerves and lower blood pressure.
feverfew Tanacetum parthenium Feverfew not only promotes blood circulation after ingestion, but also has an antispasmodic effect. The leaves can be eaten raw or made into a tea.
marigolds Calendula officinalis Marigolds can be used in many ways. They are an effective means of wound healing.
yarrow Achillea Just like marigolds, yarrow is ideal for numerous uses.

earth rent

A ground heap is an outdoor storage option that, due to its size, can be integrated into almost any self-sufficient garden as an addition. It is used over the late fall and winter to store excess vegetables after a bounty harvest. It is particularly suitable for storing root and tuber vegetables.

Harvest parsnips in the garden
Parsnips in the garden

These include:

  • carrots
  • swedes
  • parsley roots
  • parsnips
  • Kohlrabi
  • Beetroot
  • celery root

Create earth rent

The location is essential for ground rent. Pay attention to the following properties:

  • semi-shady
  • protected
  • avoid wet spots
excavate earth rent

For the pantry you need either a washing drum or a wooden box. While wooden boxes offer more space, washing drums have the advantage that they are rustproof and the openings are small enough to protect against pests. If you opt for a wooden box, you will also need mouse wire to protect against rodents. Other materials and utensils for the earth rent are:

  • quartz sand
  • straw
  • weatherproof tarpaulin
  • spade
  • shovel
  • Drilling machine with wood drill bit
  • stainless staples
  • staple gun
Stow the vegetables in the soil heap
  1. Measure the container and dig a pit 40-80 centimeters deep. The container opening is adjusted to the ground level.
  2. If the container you choose does not have holes, drill enough holes in the bottom and sides. Use the wood drill for this. Place the mouse wire in the box and fix it to the wood with staples.
  3. Now fill in a layer of sand with a height of ten centimeters. It serves as drainage. Place a layer of undamaged vegetables on the sand. Leaves, stalks and soil are removed from the vegetables beforehand.
  4. Use this layering system to fill the entire container. At the end follows a ten to twenty centimeter high layer of straw. Finally, cover the container with a layer of soil or a lid and lay out the tarpaulin as rain protection. The ground rent is ready.

benje hedge

If you are looking for a way to enclose your self-sufficient garden or parts of it in a natural way, a Benjes hedge is a good idea. These hedges are also known as deadwood hedges because green waste and deadwood are piled up as a fence. This creates a light compost, which is also a habitat for numerous animals. Furthermore, the hedges are affected by seed flight, which ensures that more and more plants develop in the compost. As a result, the wall gradually becomes a living hedge, which ensures a high level of biodiversity.

Benjeshecke deadwood hedge

Create Benje hedge

  1. Implementing a Benjeshecke is very easy. You need fence posts of the desired height, which you drive into the ground at regular intervals of 50 to 80 centimetres. A parallel row of fence posts is placed at a distance of 50 centimeters. Be sure to use natural, untreated, and healthy wood for the posts. Make sure all posts are the same height.
  2. Now fill the hedge with native deadwood and other green waste. Fruit slices are particularly suitable. Just be sure to avoid fast-growing or dominant species. Even grass and perennial waste is suitable. The waste must not come from diseased plants.
  3. Thicker branches are placed at the bottom of the hedge, while lighter materials go up. Then use thin branches to braid them around the fence posts. This keeps the hedge in shape.
  4. Compact the hedge by applying sufficient force to the material from above. Cut off overhanging shoots. If necessary, fill the hedge with more green waste to compensate for the height.

edible fish farming

Not only poultry and other farm animals are interesting for self-sufficient. Our own edible fish farm provides you with delicious edible fish on a regular basis, whether you prefer trout or carp. Fortunately, only a garden pond is required for your own edible fish farming, depending on the selected fish species turns out to be smaller or larger. The most popular non-predatory fish for your own breeding include:

  • Mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio)
  • Tench (Tinca tinca)
  • White fish like roach (Rutilus)
Mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio)

They are easy to breed without fear of loss as they are not predatory fish. Also popular are trout, perch and zander, as long as you have enough space for these fish. In addition, you have to buy more food for these fish, which often makes it more profitable to use coarse fish as a supplement in the self-sufficient garden.

Build a fish farm

It is particularly easy to create a fish breeding pond by observing the requirements of the respective species. In our example, we will explain to you what is important when implementing a carp pond. Since carp are quite easy to care for, and each fish weighs about twenty kilograms from the age of ten, the yield is quite high.

The following requirements must be observed when constructing the fish farming pond:

  • required space: per fish 1,000 l
  • Minimum depth: 150 cm
  • powerful pump and filter system

For the carp pond, it makes sense to use a concrete foundation that is connected to the Covered pond liner becomes.

Build a carp pond

Suitable plants in the carp pond are:

  • common reed (Phragmites australis)
  • Water Lilies (Nymphaea)
  • Waterweed (Elodea)
  • Pondweed (Potamogeton natans)
  • irises (Iris)

The floor comes with pond soil covered and the plants protected from possible damage with plant baskets. The ground should become muddy over time, as this aids in foraging. Otherwise they are fed with koi or carp food.

A notice: If you're short on space, it's a good idea to learn aquaponics. With this concept, fish are kept in tanks and supply food plants with nutrients through their excretion.

small winery

For many, a fine drop is part of a delicious dinner or relaxation. If you already cultivate grapes or are looking for some vines, you should think about a small winery. It's not just a storage option for wines you buy from other producers. With a small winery, you produce and store wine independently, in line with the self-sufficient lifestyle. Best of all: You do not need a business registration to produce wine from your own vines. Wine production for personal use is free of trades, but requires sufficient expertise in the field of oenology (cellar management). You should consider this before setting up a small winery.

different wines from grapes in glasses and carafes

Implement private small winery

If you are interested in a small winery, you need the right premises including the equipment. An advantage at the winery is the possibility of own or purchased processing grapes. Especially if you don't want to run a business with the fine wines, the origin of the grapes doesn't matter. The basis of your own winery includes the following equipment:

  • fruit press
  • fermentation balloons or tanks
  • wine lifters and filters
  • Utensils for decanting
  • Barrels or bottles for storage

Of course you also need the classic winemaking utensils and ingredients such as B. Pure culture yeasts necessary for wine production. Depending on the grape yield and the desired volume, the cellar of your house is completely sufficient for wine production. It is important that you have a room or building that offers the necessary temperature for fermentation. This depends on the type of wine:

  • Red wine: 22°C to 25°C
  • White wine: 15°C to 18°C
Man operates wine press
fruit press

The design of your small winery is entirely up to you. Regardless of whether it is spartan or in the traditional sense of a wine cellar with numerous barrels, the small winery can be easily adapted to your own ideas and the available capital adjust.

Summary and conclusion

Thanks to the garden, greenhouse, compost and rainwater tank, being able to harvest and preserve vegetables all year round may be the core of a self-sufficient garden. But because of its surface area and the whole mindset that goes with it, you should always consider whether it is not worth going beyond these basics. Even a simple soil heap can be a great addition. And if perhaps even all of the electricity is generated in-house, then all electric garden tools can really be used with a clear conscience - and cheaply at that.

frequently asked Questions

Are building permits required for the projects?

This is highly dependent on the particular supplement. For example, before digging a well, check with your local authority to see if you need a permit. Otherwise fines of up to 50,000 euros can be imposed for the illegal well. This also applies to large apiaries that offer space for several colonies.

Can animal products be sold?

While eggs may be sold up to a certain amount on one's own property, this is not the case for slaughtered goods. In order to be able to sell fish or meat products, you must familiarize yourself with the requirements of the responsible health authority and be able to provide evidence of food hygiene training. You also need a business registration in order to offer the products outside of your own household.

How big should a self-sufficient garden be?

A size of 100 square meters per person is recommended as a basis to enable complete self-sufficiency with vegetables, fruit and herbs. Each addition increases the space requirement, which must be taken into account when planning. While soil heaps fit easily into the smallest self-sufficient gardens, you have to create significantly more space for ten chickens.

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