How old do conifers get?

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How old do conifers in the garden get?

Conifers can live several thousand years in their natural habitat, such as 10,000 years for spruce and 4,000 years for yew. In the garden, however, life expectancy varies due to factors such as pruning, care and disease.

Which conifer is the oldest in the world?

The oldest tree in the world is believed to be one Spruce in a national park in central Sweden. Their age is estimated at almost 10,000 years. Yews don't get quite as old. In the UK, several yew trees are over 4,000 years old.

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How old can conifers get?

With 4,000 years cypresses can become extremely old. Many yew trees become 1,000 years old, fir trees have a life expectancy of about 600 years. Pines and spruces reach an average age of 200 to 300 years, but they can also get much older. Thujas, which seldom live more than 200 years, do not grow quite as old.

What factors affect the lifespan of conifers?

The above information relates mainly to conifers that grow unhindered in the wild. Become

conifers in gardens or parks against it cut back regularly, which significantly reduces their life expectancy. The pruning means that the evergreen plants become more sensitive with age. You will then go bald faster or brown. But also pests like that bark beetle or disease can cause conifers to die sooner.

What can be done to increase the lifespan of a conifer?

So that you can enjoy your conifers for a long time, it depends on the proper care at. Because it is often mistakes in care that lead to conifers dying prematurely. Too much watering often leads to root rot. But watering that is too infrequent and the associated drought also weakens the plants. Another common care mistake is the premature and excessive application of fertilizer, which can prevent conifer roots from developing properly. Choosing the right one is crucial for a long lifespan for your conifers pruning. Because if you cut back a plant too much, it will no longer grow back in these places.


Be careful when pruning

The conifers in your garden will probably not reach such an old age as in the wild. Regular pruning causes them to become more sensitive as they age. If you already have a very old conifer in your garden, you should not cut it back if possible or hire a specialist to do it.

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