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Why are ants on sage and how to get rid of them

Ants on sage are not directly harmful to the plant, but a heavy infestation can indicate aphids that can damage the sage. To remove it, use a soft soap solution and keep ants away with scents such as thyme, marjoram or lavender.

Are ants harmful to sage plants?

Ants are themselves not harmful for sage. They don't eat the plant. By clearing the soil of garden waste and loosening it, you even help to improve the site. In addition, ant species such as the red wood ant eat some caterpillars that damage plants. If the ants are on the ground around the sage and are sporadically moving on the sage, that's not immediately a cause for concern. If many ants are constantly crawling on sage leaves, things are different.

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What do many ants indicate about sage?

Heavy ant traffic on sage can occur in combination with sticky leaves aphid infestation Clues. The aphid excretes a sticky, sweet residue that ants eat. This so-called honeydew hinders the metabolism of the plant and increases the risk of fungal attack. Ants cultivate the pest and milk the louse. As a result, the infestation spreads. This results in the problems mentioned. So you should take action against it.

How do I eliminate ants from sage?

Spray the animals with water and treat the lavender with a soft soap solution. This home remedy works effectively against aphids without leaving any harmful substances behind:

  1. First spray the leaves with a strong jet of water to roughly rinse off the animals.
  2. 1 teaspoon soft soap(€5.00 at Amazon*) and dissolve some neem oil in 1 liter of water.
  3. Spray sage plants with it.

Use this method every few days for three weeks. Then all aphids should be gone and with them the ants on the sage.

How do I keep ants away from sage in the future?

Keep the ants away fragrances away, which are a deterrent to the animals. Basically, you can too baking powder to the combat used by ants. However, this remedy is often fatal to the ants that feed on it. The following herbs with essential oils and odorants, on the other hand, effectively keep the beneficial insects away without destroying them immediately:

  1. thyme
  2. marjoram
  3. lavender
  4. Cinammon
  5. vinegar extract

You can also spread a decoction of tansy on the spot. The smell of this remedy has an unpleasant effect on ants.

How to interrupt ant trails on sage leaves?

Use dusty substances with a basic pH value such as algae lime. These materials neutralize formic acid. Ants do not enter sprinkled areas. If you have a line out algae lime cross existing ant trails, cut the path of trailing ants. This method is suitable for preventing further ants on sage or protecting a bed.


Use natural enemy

Other than ants, there are animals that eat aphids. Ladybugs and small lacewings on sage are therefore your allies. They exterminate the louse and act indirectly against ants on sage.

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