Kill snails with salt

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Should you kill snails with salt?

Putting salt on snails will kill them. This measure is not recommendable! Salt dehydrates the snails and they writhe to a slow, agonizing death. Instead, use snail fences or lure beneficial snail-eating insects into your garden.

Why does salt kill snails?

Salt is known to attract water. Therefore it becomes z. B. used on red wine stains or other stains caused by liquid. If salt is sprinkled on snails, osmosis Instead: The skin of the snail is semi-permeable, which means that small particles like water can get through. If salt is sprinkled on the snail's skin, it is stimulated to compensate for the different concentrations of water inside and outside the snail. Through this dried up the snail. The same applies to baking soda and baking powder.

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What alternative home remedies are available to salt?

In many forums, home remedies such as garlic, eggshells, coffee or other touted order keep snails away. In practice, however, it has been shown that such agents have little or no effect.

The only sensible thing is to use snail fences to protect limited areas such as e.g. B. Protect beds from snails. Also beneficial insects such as ducks, geese and birds can reduce the snail population. Collect the snails in the morning and look for snail eggs to prevent new generations.


Beer trap instead of salt?

Also the beer traps are not a good solution to your snail problem; it often makes the infestation even worse. Because beer traps magically attract snails, but don't always kill them. Also, death by drowning is not a nice death either.