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How and when should you cut Steinquedel?

Every year in spring, thyme should be cut back radically to about 10 cm above the ground. It is also advisable to regularly cut off the flowers in summer so that the plant does not overstrain itself in the production of its seeds.

Is it advisable to cut off the flowers from the stone quenelle?

To the extend flowering time and the bees thus a long available bee pasture To be able to offer it, it is advisable to cut off the withered flowers of the stone witch hazel. Wait until the inflorescences have faded and then cut them off down to the next but one pair of leaves below. For this you can use a simple secateurs.

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Should stone quetel be cut back before winter?

Steinquedel, also as calamint known, should preferably be in cut back in spring become and rigorously. Don't worry: Calamint is a perennial and hardy shrub. However, pruning before winter takes away a certain amount of protection from the cold and wet for the plant, which is why pruning should take place in spring.

For pruning in spring, grab a pair of sharp pruning shears and cut off all the shoots up to about 10 cm above the ground. The new shoots form from the rootstock.

How do you cut rock thyme for consumption?

To the edible calamint to use in the kitchen, do not pluck off the individual leaves, but cut You prefer a piece of the instead stem down. This is the only way for the plant to grow well again.

If you want to use the flowers, you can cut off the inflorescences and pluck off the individual labial flowers later, for example to garnish salads.

What happens if stone quetel does not receive a cut?

If you don't prune Calamintha nepeta, lost the plant gradually. So in order to enjoy her for a long time, it is in the course of the Care recommended to cut them back regularly.

In addition, without pruning, the stone cinder forms seeds after flowering and subsequently tends to wilt self seeding. Where other plants have settled, descendants of calamint could appear in the future.

When do you cut rock thyme to harvest the seeds?

If you want to harvest the seeds of the stone quenelle in order to use them for propagation, you can use the seed pods in the Late summer to fall cut off. The maturity of the seeds depends on when and how often the rock thyme was cut and whether it had the opportunity to develop its seeds. It usually takes 6 to 8 weeks for seeds to mature after flowering. This is usually the case around mid/late August.

Can you use the cuttings of the stone thyme for cuttings?

Cut shoots of calamint can be saved and used as cuttings use by turning them into sandy, but wet substrate stuck. However, it is advisable to obtain these cuttings from shoots that do not yet have flower buds.


Do not dispose of clippings, but dry them for tea

If you cut back the calamint, you do not have to dispose of the plant parts. If they are still healthy and beautiful, you can dry them and use them later for tea, for example.

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