Identify and fight fleas in the home

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Table of contents

  • Flea infestation by pets
  • way of life
  • detect fleas
  • fight fleas
  • Prevent effectively

Fleas in the home are a nightmare. How do they get in and how do you get rid of them? We show what you need to look out for and how effective flea protection works.

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Flea infestation by pets

The beloved velvet paws, dogs and also birds are the culprits. They bring the fleas home with them. In German apartments, the following are particularly common:

  • dog fleas (Ctenocephalides canis)
  • cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis)
  • bird fleas (Ceratophyllus gallinae)

human fleas (pulex irritants) have not yet been completely eradicated. However, they only occur very rarely in Germany.

Cat with cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis)

A notice:

Wild animals can also bring fleas into your home. Not only hairy animals like rats, raccoons and foxes, but also hedgehogs are very often full of vermin. If you want to get a little hedgehog through the winter, protect yourself and your pets.

way of life

Fleas feed on the blood of their host animals. They pierce the surface of the skin to get blood. Warm-blooded animals and birds are affected. Flea larvae feed on dander found in carpets and upholstered furniture. Did you know that flea pupae can live for up to two years without food? They go into a kind of rigidity, from which they wake up again through small tremors. So it can happen that fleas survive for a long time in empty apartments.

detect fleas

The faster the flea infestation is discovered, the easier it is to combat it. Signs of a flea infestation are:

Visible fleas

Fleas are only 2 to 3 millimeters in size. They are reddish brown in colour. Her body is flat on the sides. Fleas can jump far. When combing with special flea combs, you can easily detect insect infestation on the pet.

Frequent scratching

If your pet scratches frequently, this can indicate fleas, but also mosquito bites or bugs.

flea droppings

Do you see small black spots on your pet's fur? It could be flea dirt.

flea bites

At first, a flea bite goes unnoticed. Only the saliva of the insect leads to severe itching. Red, closely spaced puncture marks become visible on the skin. Cooling compresses or cold ointments relieve the itching.

flea larvae

Fleas lay their eggs on the pet's body. The tiny little eggs fall off and continue to develop in carpets, upholstered furniture, on pillows and blankets. Flea larvae are white.


In the neck of your house tiger or A flea infestation is quickly visible on your dog's paws.

fight fleas

cat flea
Katja ZSM, Ctenocephalides felis female ZSM, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 3.0

The control of the small insects takes place in several steps:

Clean up thoroughly

Fleas prefer to stay on textiles. Thoroughly clean up the rooms where you suspect fleas. To contain the insect infestation, we recommend putting textiles in plastic bags and sealing them well.


Thoroughly vacuum the infested spaces. Remove the anthers from the apartment. Upholstered furniture and carpets can be cleaned with a steam cleaner. Be sure to follow the care instructions.


Wash all washable items that have been used. If possible, wash bed linen, blankets and clothing at at least 50 degrees Celsius and tumble dry. Take the washed things to a flea-free room.

flea treatment

A large selection of effective flea remedies is available in specialist shops as a spray or nebulizer (fogger). Difficult-to-reach cracks and corners where fleas are suspected can be treated with diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is a silicate dust.


Read the instructions carefully before use. Remove children's toys, food, and pets' food and bowls from the room. Under no circumstances should children or animals remain in the room during treatment with flea products.

Fight fleas on pet

Dogs can be freed from vermin with a flea bath. Cats are dusted with diatomaceous earth. Spraying with flea spray is very uncomfortable for most animals. At the vet you can get effective spot-on drops that are dripped behind the ear and protect the pet for several months.

Repeat treatment

Most flea treatments require repeated application to control the next population.
Caution: Fleas are not only unpleasant, they can transmit tapeworms.

Prevent effectively

Hedgehog as flea host

Check your pet regularly for a flea infestation. Comb the fur thoroughly with a flea comb. Apply preventive flea repellents. Keep the apartment clean and also pay attention to hard-to-reach nooks and crannies. If possible, prevent your pet from contact with wild animals such as raccoons, foxes and hedgehogs.

author Home editorial office

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