Fight ants on and with orange

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How do I eliminate ants from the orange?

Ants on oranges usually point to one aphid infestation there. Mix 50 grams for treatment soft soap(€5.00 at Amazon*) and some neem oil in water. Spray the soft soap solution two to three weeks on the plant. How to get rid of aphids and ants.

When do ants infest the orange?

aphids at the orange tree also quickly attract ants. If you notice small aphids on the plant or if the leaves look sticky, this indicates an aphid infestation. The ants wolf down aphid excretion. These secrete a sticky sweet substance also known as honeydew. However, if the leaves of the orange stick together, this is not without problems for the orange. Growth dwindles over time. The risk of fungal infestation also increases. You should avoid that.

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How do I eliminate ants from the orange?

Go with a strong water jet against the aphids and spray the orange tree with one soft soap solution. How to mix the home remedy:

  1. Provide 1 liter of water.
  2. Dissolve 50 grams of soft soap in it.
  3. Add some neem oil.
  4. Mix well and let cool.

Pour the soft soap solution into a spray bottle. Mist the orange with it every day for two to three weeks. How to get rid of the aphids from the plant. When these are gone, the ants will no longer show any interest in the plant.

Does orange peel work against ants?

The essential oil of the orange works chilling against ants. While the leaves of the orange do not smell as intensely, the oil in the peel emits a strong scent. This smell initially covers the scent traces that ants use to find their way around the room. It disturbs their orientation. In addition, ants do not find the smell of the orange pleasant. When you have eaten an orange, you can put the peel in a small plate and for the short term ant control to use.


Use spices and essential oils against ants

You can also use essential oils like mint oil or lavender oil as well as certain spices such as Cinammon or chili use against ants. In this case, too, it is the smell that makes such an effect possible. It can be seen in all ant species, from the simple worker or garden ant to the meadow ant and other species in Europe.

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