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Which plants go well with yews?

Yews can be combined in many ways with other plants, e.g. B. Cherry laurel, thuja, spruce, pine, privet, barberry, rhododendron, hawthorn and hostas. When combining, site conditions, soil conditions and care requirements should be taken into account.

Which plants fit in a mixed hedge with yew?

Yew is evergreen, grows very densely and is therefore one of the hedge plants that offer very good privacy protection. This means that the coniferous tree can also be easily combined with other conifers, provided they have the same needs in terms of location, soil conditions and care. For example:

  • cherry laurel
  • Thuja
  • Spruce
  • Jaw
  • cypresses and false cypresses

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  • column-yew-combine
  • yew-underplants
  • privet-and-cherry-laurel-mix
  • hornbeam-combine
  • conifers-combine
  • privet-combine
  • thuja-combine
  • yew-or-thuja
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But other popular hedge plants also harmonize well with yew, including deciduous and flowering shrubs:

  • liguster
  • barberry
  • rhododendron
  • hawthorn

Note, however, that yews quite a lot of space need for their growth: young plants should be placed in a hedge at least 30 centimeters apart.

What can you do between yew trees or plant near a yew tree?

Here, too, the principle applies: You can combine everything with the yew, as long as the individual needs of plants be fulfilled. Incidentally, flowering perennials and shrubs go very well with the beautiful, dark green needles of the yew, for example

  • rhododendron
  • hydrangeas
  • snowball (viburnum)
  • delphinium
  • daylilies
  • gloxinia
  • phlox
  • Heucherella

On ornamental leaf plants, the numerous varieties of hosta (hosta) harmonize perfectly with the yew, especially since these are also shade-tolerant and prefer a rather moist soil.

Should yews be planted near fruit trees?

This question is actually quite controversial. On the one hand because yews highly toxic and especially children near edible fruit might be tempted to try the red yew fruits as well.
There are also reports that fruit trees grow poorly near yew hedges and produce fewer fruits.

The problem with the poisonous yew fruits can be avoided by clicking on a variety without fruit ('Hillii', purely male) dodge. The second problem can only be addressed by keeping the yew trees away from the fruit trees. In fact, it's possible that these species - roses and yews - don't harmonize with each other. However, the phenomenon has not yet been researched in detail.

What can you plant under a yew tree?

Yews develop a strong root system over the years, but are not very sensitive to root competition and pressure. Therefore, the tree disc a yew very good for subplants. For example, you can use onion flowers, which can also grow well in the shade. Hostas also fit well, as well as rhododendrons, hardy azaleas or hydrangeas. Other candidates would be

  • Waldsteinia
  • columbines
  • cranesbill
  • memorial
  • elf flowers
  • sedum

The species should be matched to the soil conditions, the moisture (yews like it rather damp) and the light conditions (sunny? shady?) get by.


Large selection of functions

Hostas and yews go particularly well together, and there is also a huge selection of beautiful hostas that provide variety. For example, 'Fire and Ice' is beautifully variegated green and white, 'Sagae' has a wide, yellow border (like 'Aureomarginata') and 'Aurea' has beautiful, bright golden yellow leaves. 'Color Glory' and 'Liberty' are also two-tone, while 'Empress Wu' scores with particularly large leaves.

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