The best planting and care tips

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How to plant and care hydrangeas in the raised bed?

Hydrangeas in raised beds thrive best in a semi-shady location protected from wind and rain, with an acidic substrate (pH value 4.0-6.0). The ideal planting time is in spring and they need regular watering, special hydrangea fertilizer and winter protection.

Where is the best location for hydrangeas in raised beds?

In the partially shaded raised bed all hydrangeas (Hydrangea) bloom in full bloom. A wind and rain-protected location is an advantage for a well-groomed appearance.

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In addition to the lighting conditions, another criterion is decisive for the optimal site conditions: Hydrangeas are absolutely dependent on an acidic substrate with a pH value between 4.0 and 6.0 in every bed. Perfectly suitable are bog and rhododendron soil or special hydrangea soil. In a with normal potting soil or compost soil filled raised bed, garden hydrangeas are doomed.

When and how do I plant hydrangeas in raised beds?

In the

Spring is the best time to plant hydrangeas in raised beds. A water-soaked root ball and the ideal planting depth are important criteria for a peasant hydrangea grows healthy. How to do it right:

  1. Soak the root ball in rainwater until no more air bubbles rise.
  2. Dig a planting hole with twice the volume of the root ball.
  3. Place the potted hydrangea so deep in the planting pit that the root disc and the soil are flush.
  4. Fill gaps with rhododendron soil, press the soil down well and water in low-lime water.

How do I properly care for hydrangeas in raised beds?

A high water and nutrient requirement characterizes the care of hydrangeas in raised beds. In order for the thirsty, heavily consuming perennial to become an eye-catcher, these care measures are important:

  • Water hydrangeas plentifully and regularly with soft water, ideally collected rainwater.
  • Weekly from March to the end of July fertilize with a Special hydrangea fertilizer.
  • The raised bed soil before the first frost mulch with leaves and needles.
  • Protect hydrangeas in raised beds with fleece in regions with harsh winters.
  • Hydrangeas in Spring cut.

Which hydrangea varieties are suitable for a raised bed?

Sit down in a bed at table height short-growing hydrangea varieties decorative in scene. Prime example is the dwarfpanicle hydrangea 'Mojito' (Hydrangea paniculata), which presents its pink-lime green panicles of flowers at a height of 100 cm. The 100-130 cm tall plate hydrangea 'Blue tit' (Hydrangea macrophylla) is a representative eye-catcher in every raised bed with its blue plate flowers. White flower balls are the hallmark of a 125 cm small ball hydrangea 'Snowball'.


Perennials decoratively stage hydrangeas

Ideal companion plants to hydrangeas are beautiful to look at, thrive in penumbra and acidic substrate. A surprising number of perennials meet the criteria of A, like astilbe (Magnificent piers) to Z, like Two-colored sweetheart lily (Hosta sieboldiana). In raised beds with cottage garden flair, courgettes (Cucurbita pepo) and strawberries (Fragaria) are useful as ground cover. The purple flower color harmonizes tastefully peasant hydrangea 'Bluebird' with green and white sedges (Carex) as underplanting.