The oak processionary moth on the apple tree

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Are there oak processionary moths on the apple tree?

Although oak processionary moths occasionally settle in other deciduous trees such as hornbeams, in apple trees however As good as never before. If the fruit tree is spun by insects, these uninvited guests are almost always the apple spider moth (Yponomeuta malinellus).

What do oak processionary moths look like?

are oak processionary moths colored grey-brown and essential larger than spider moths. The caterpillars, which can grow up to five centimeters long, are initially gray and later develop a dark back line. From the third larval stage, they have clearly visible stinging hairs that can be dangerous for humans.

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Typically, the caterpillars always move in dense groups and go on a journey, like in a procession. During the day they live in spider nests up to the size of a soccer ball, which are located on the trunk or the outer forks of the branches.

How do I recognize apple spider moths?

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white wings with the black dots the butterflies of the apple spider moth would be easy to identify. Since they only fly at dusk, you hardly ever see the animals.

The hairless, harmless caterpillars are yellowish, also have black spots and grow up to 2.5 centimeters in size. They live in dense webs that look like hairnets, which are mainly located on the end and side shoots of the apple tree. The location of the web nests is also a clear distinguishing feature.


The apple tree recovers well from infestation with spider moths

The infestation with spider moths is primarily an optical problem. Although the animals eat the leaves under the web bare down to the ribs and you have to reckon with crop losses, the apple thrives again and regenerates itself. Simply rinse the nests with the garden hose. Glue rings help to prevent the larvae from climbing the trunk.

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