Black ants at a glance

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What common types of ants are black?

Black ants can be carpenter ants, black carpenter ants, or black road ants. The black garden ant comes most frequently (Lasius niger) before. This variety is particularly adaptable and can also settle under stone slabs.

What Kind of Ants Are Black Ants?

Usually it is the Black garden ant (Lasius niger). This ant is also known as the garden ant. It is one of the types of ants that is most common in our country. In addition to this widespread variety, there are also these black ants:

  • Carpenter ant (Camponotus ligniperda)
  • Glossy black carpenter ant (Lasius fuliginosus)

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What do you do about black ants?

Scare the black ants with you proven home remedies away. You can go to fight ants For example, rely on agents that deter ants by smell:

  • essential oils
  • whoosh against ants
  • cinnamon oil

These home remedies work effectively without spreading pollutants in the garden. Before fighting the animals, however, keep in mind that ants are quite a big one To use have for the garden.

Why are black ants so common?

The black garden ant is considered special adaptable ant. The animals can live in forest areas as well as in rural or urban areas. For example, they settle under stone slabs or in crevices in walls. The animal is very widespread in Central Europe as a whole.


Watch black ants carefully

The black garden ant may be a bit inconspicuous. And yet the observation of this animal is worthwhile. You can also get ants together with children observe.

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