From sowing to planting

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Early sowing ensures timely harvest

The long ripening period of up to 120 days requires an early one sowing in February or March. It is warm enough in the room, greenhouse or heated winter garden at this time of year. Pretreatment in salt water increases the germination mood of the seeds.

  • Seeds in Potting soil Insert 2-3 mm deep and sieve over
  • Maintain a planting distance of at least 2 cm
  • set up at the partially shaded window seat or in a mini greenhouse
  • at 25-28 degrees Celsius the seeds germinate quickly

also read

  • This is how you can sow chilli immediately
  • Drying chilli seeds - instructions and practical tips
  • Successfully germinating chilli seeds

Keep the seeds constantly moist with rainwater from the spray bottle. Waterlogging is to be avoided at all costs. There is no fertilization in this phase of cultivation.

Prick out with a steady hand

The more tropical the micro-climate, the faster the seeds germinate. First, 2 small cotyledons point out. They are followed by the first real pair of leaves that does not stay alone for long. If the seedlings come too close in the pot, will pricked.

  • Fill small pots with self-mixed peat sand
  • Use the pricking stick to lift each seedling out of the earth one by one
  • Shorten long root threads with scissors to 2 cm
  • Pre-drill a small hole with the pricking stick

Plant a little deeper than the chilies were in the seed pot. The substrate may reach up to the cotyledons. the Earth press on and moisten together with the plants.

Repotting at times activates extra root mass

the professional cultivation primarily pursues the goal of luring out a lush mass of roots. If this is the case, the subsequent supply of the above-ground parts of the plant is ensured. Repot as soon as the planter has roots. Depending on the vigor of the cultivated variety, this may be necessary several times.

The chillies now receive a rich substrate from vegetable or garden soil with compost, a handful Slow release fertilizer, Perlite(€ 35.50 at Amazon *) and sand.

  • Create a drainage at the bottom of the pot made of coarse, inorganic materials such as gravel or chippings
  • Spread a piece of fleece over it that is permeable to water and air
  • insert the plant in the middle and surround it with soil

In the last step of the Repotting press the substrate a little and pour rainwater over the chilli.

Plant out after the Cold Sophia

The heat-loving chilli plants must not be exposed to frosty temperatures. They are therefore only planted in the bed after the Ice Saints. The cold Sophia marked on 15. May the beginning of the summer gardening season.

  • Loosen the bedding soil and weed it thoroughly
  • Dig planting holes at a distance of 40-50 cm
  • create a drainage from crushed pottery shards
  • Plant and water the chillies

Until after the sheep's cold in early June, careful gardeners protect their plants with insulating fleece at night.

Tips & Tricks

Chillies are quite thirsty plants. The warmer and drier the weather, the more often it is poured. Happy the hobby gardener who thinks of a 5 cm high pouring rim when planting and repotting. You are spared the annoying wiping up of the spilled, dirty-wet soil mixture after each watering.