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What plants are suitable for underplanting a fir?

You can plant under a fir shallow-rooted Perennials, ground covers, ferns, shrubs and grasses use the The shade and one tolerate acidic soil. Examples worth mentioning are:
  • masterwort and elf flower
  • Golden Strawberry and Lesser Periwinkle
  • Sickle Fern and Royal Fern
  • Rhododendron and bed roses
  • Bearskin fescue and grass hair grass

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  • planting-under-firs
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Underplant fir with perennials

As deep rooter the fir is easy to plant under and perennials will not be distressed if they develop their root system close to the surface. But with that cast shadow they should be able to handle the fir. Furthermore, it is important that the perennials a acidic substrate tolerated, since the needles of the fir always ensure that the soil under it is in the acidic range. These perennials, among others, are ideal for planting under the fir:

  • masterwort
  • columbine
  • elf flower
  • Bergenia
  • Purplebells
  • hosts
[picture: meadow|fir, masterwort]

Underplant fir with ground covers

Ground covers find plenty of space at the foot of the fir. Here you can develop unhindered, as the fir tolerates this due to its deep roots. The ground cover will Drive out weeds rigorously, insofar as they are assertive. However, since not all ground covers are suitable for this location, you should give preference to ground covers that tolerate shade and like acidic soil. What do you think of the following specimens?

  • golden strawberry
  • fat man
  • ivy
  • Small periwinkle
[picture: meadow|fir, golden strawberry]

Underplant fir trees with trees

The shrubs with which you plant a fir should shallow rooted and shade tolerant be. Typical forest representatives are the ideal choice here. But a floribunda such as the 'Bonica' variety can also be found under a sparse fir. The trees and shrubs make the bare and monotonous area under the fir more appealing and almost bring it to life. This is especially true for shrubs that flower profusely or have pretty foliage. Here is a selection:

  • bed roses
  • Canadian Dogwood
  • cinquefoil
  • rhododendron
  • hydrangeas
  • cotoneaster
  • Spiraea
[image: beet|fir, beetrose]

Underplant fir with grasses

Numerous types of Carex are ideal for underplanting the fir. They love semi-shady to shady site conditions and can deal with drought at times. Even taller grasses find enough space under fir trees to grow tall. Superficially, however, counts that they with the bad light conditions to be able to deal with. The following grasses are ideal for planting under firs:

  • Bearskin Fescue
  • Grass Hairgrass
  • shadow sedge
  • Japan sedge
  • Gold Rim Sedge
  • love grass
[image: beet|fir, bearskin fescue]

Underplant fir with ferns

Ferns and firs just go together. The ferns do well on acidic soil and are unimpressed by the shadow cast by the fir. They are no root competitors and reflect in the overall picture natural forest flora contrary. Both smaller and larger ferns are predestined for underplanting, such as:

  • sickle fern
  • rib fern
  • lady fern
  • rainbow fern
  • royal fern
[picture: meadow|fir tree, sickle fern]


Prevent dry soil under the fir

If you do not water the fir and its underplanting regularly, but still want to protect it from drought, it is advisable to apply a layer of mulch. You can simply use bark mulch for this.

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