How to fight pests

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How to remove and avoid lice on aloe vera?

For lice from a aloe vera To remove, dampen a cloth with white spirit and rub the leaves thoroughly. Repeat this for several days, cutting off heavily infested leaves if necessary. horsetail manure as a fertilizer helps to prevent aphid infestation.

How do I recognize lice on aloe vera?

A infestation you can tell by lice on sticky topping on the leaves of aloe vera. These residues are the excretions of the lice. If the leaves are covered with honeydew, the plant's metabolism is slowed down and fungal growth is encouraged. The surface then turns darker. If the residue has turned dark in color, the plant may have already been infested with the sooty mold fungus. The lice themselves are so small that they Eye not be recognized.

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  • aloe vera infestation
  • aloe-vera-white-flakes
  • aloe vera mealybugs
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  • Aloe vera pests
  • Palm lice infestation
  • mealybug
  • fight mealybugs-houseplants
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How do I treat an aloe vera that has been infested with lice?

Help the aloe vera by rubbing the leaves thoroughly clean or badly affected leaves cut off. First try with the cleaning the leaves from the lice. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Moisten a cloth with alcohol.
  2. Rub the aloe vera leaves thoroughly.
  3. Repeat this action several times over the following days.
  4. Check that the leaves remain clean.

If this measure does not work, you should cut back the plant. You should always remove leaves that are particularly badly affected.

How do I avoid a lice infestation on aloe vera?

Fertilize the aloe vera with horsetail manure, around lice to prevent The home remedy helps sustainably against the mealybug. You should also pay attention to the following factors to avoid future aphid infestations:

  • do not place in dark locations
  • Avoid nitrogenous fertilizers
  • do not hold if the heating air is too dry

When do lice attack aloe vera?

Typically, aloe vera is infested with lice in the winter before. If the succulent is placed as a houseplant in an environment with dry heating air during this time, this can promote lice infestation. A lice infestation is therefore often seasonal. If you occasionally spray the leaves of the aloe vera with water in winter, you can increase the humidity in a targeted manner. Note, however, that the plant winter not too much cast may be.


Fast reaction pays off

If you are infested with lice, you should react quickly. Otherwise it can happen that the pests spread to other plants besides the aloe vera. The next plant to be attacked may not be as hardy as this succulent.