What you can do against ants on potatoes

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Are ants on potatoes harmful and how to fight them?

Ants are not inherently harmful to potatoes, but they can promote aphid infestation. To combat ants in the potato patch, you can flood or relocate ant nests and use plants or scents that repel ants, such as thyme, lavender oil, or lemon peel.

Are ants harmful to potatoes?

ants are basicallybeneficialsthat strengthen the ecological balance. Among other things, the animals remove organic garden waste. They contribute to decomposition and loosen the soil underneath Plant on. The activity of natural garbage disposal improves the soil and thus promotes the growth of potatoes. Some species of ants even eat caterpillars that otherwise eat plants. However, ants can also contribute to the spread of an existing aphid infestation. If they build their nests under plants, their roots get into trouble.

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What do I do against an ant nest in the potato bed?

You can use the ant nest multiple times either flood or this relocate

. When flooding, it is best to use plant manure. This acts as a fertilizer for the plants in situ. However, the smell has an extremely deterrent effect on the ants. Treat the nest extensively. With a small nest you also have the option of relocation of ants from the bed with the help of a clay pot.

When do ants indicate potato aphid infestation?

When ant trails form and the Potato leaves stuck together are, the plant has been attacked by the aphid. This excretes honeydew. This is a sticky substance that tastes sweet to ants and is high on their menu. Ants take care of the pest and protect it from enemies like the ladybug. They colonize and milk aphids. Thus, ants contribute to a rapid spread of the aphids at. Sticky leaves slow down the potato's metabolism and damage the plant.

How do I treat potatoes with ants and aphid infestations?

Spray the potato with a strong jet of water and set one soft soap solution with some neem oil. Treat the leaves of the potato several times with the soft soap solution. Once the aphids are gone, there won't be as many ants appearing on your potatoes.

How do I keep ants away from potatoes?

You can target Plant plant against ants in your potato patch or fabrics with deterrents smells bring out How to keep ants away:

  • thyme
  • vermouth
  • tansy
  • mint

The smell of these agents also has an unpleasant effect on ants. You can spread the funds in the bed or delimit it with it:

  • Lemon peel or lemon oil
  • Cinammon
  • Vinegar
  • lavender oil


Use baking powder against acute infestation

With baking powder you also have a natural means of extermination at your disposal. However, you bring the animals an agonizing death and do not deter following ants.

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