Distance of the conifers to the neighbors

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What should be the distance from conifers to neighbors?

The legally prescribed distance from conifers to the neighboring property varies depending on the federal state and the length of the hedge. Usually the distance is 50 cm for hedges under 2 m high and 2 m for hedges over 2 m high. The optimal planting position depends on the planned hedge width.

How far do conifers have to be from neighbors?

The distance between a hedge and a neighboring property is regulated by law. Each state has its own regulations. In Bavaria, Saxony and most other federal states, hedges under two meters must maintain a distance of 50 centimeters from the neighboring property. If a hedge is more than two meters tall, the necessary distance to the property line even two meters.

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How wide will a coniferous hedge get?

How wide a conifer hedge grows depends on the variety planted. The popular Thuja Smaragd, for example, is between 50 and 100 centimeters broad. Other conifers can also be two meters in diameter.

At what distance should a conifer be planted?

The specific distance depends on the individual legal regulations and the planned hedge. If you take into account the legal situation and the growth of the conifers, you can derive the planting distance from them. If the future thuja hedge is to be kept below two meters high, a distance of 50 centimeters to the neighboring property must be observed and a maximum width of 100 centimeters is expected, the conifers should be planted at a distance of 100 centimeters to property line to be planted.

What can I do if my conifer grows too close to the neighbor?

If your coniferous hedge grows too close to the neighboring property, you can cut back. Alternatively, you can use the individual plants as well transplant, but they should be no more than three to four years old.


Inform your neighbors about your project

In order to prevent a later neighborhood dispute, you should inform your neighborhood about your planned hedge at an early stage. In discussions, individual needs can often be clarified and joint solutions can be found. In this way, both sides can benefit from the future coniferous hedge.