Control scale insects on spindle bushes

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How do you get rid of scale insects on Spindle bush fight?

To combat scale insects on spindle bushes, infested plant parts can be cut off, lice brushed off with a toothbrush and beneficial insects such as ladybirds used. Alternatively, homemade remedies such as rapeseed oil mixtures or soapy water can be used.

What is the cover scale doing on the spindle bush?

The lid scale is a parasite that separates from the plant juices of the spindle bush fed. Lid scale insects prefer to suckle on the fresh leaves and petioles until the leaves are completely eradicated and surrender. In addition, the scale insects use the spindle bush as a place to lay their eggs. Their offspring will find plenty of food there so that they can grow up quickly.

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How do I recognize the scale insect on the spindle bush?

Through the sucking activity of the lid scale insects yellow the otherwise healthy leaves of the spindle bush visibly and initially on the upper side of the leaf. The initially punctiform discolouration takes over the entire sheet over time. After the leaves have dried up as a result,

they fall off.

You can recognize the pest itself by the typical appearance of a scale insect: a few millimeters small, elongated and white to brown-grey in color. It usually sits on the underside of the leaves.

How can the cover scale on the spindle bush be combated?

As control measure you can remove the heavily infested parts of the spindle bush cut off and dispose of.

Areas that are only populated with a few scale insects can be treated by hand, for example with a toothbrush. The scale insects can be done easily with it brush off.

Additionally you can beneficials like ladybugs, parasitic wasps(€33.00 at Amazon*) and lacewing larvae insert.

Basically, it is advisable to use several strategies at the same time. The lid scale often turns out to be very willing to survive.

Can you prevent an infestation on the spindle bush?

You can prevent an infestation by the lid scale with the right Care and one beneficial to the plant Location prevent.

The spindle shrub should be fertilized regularly, but not over-fertilized. Over-fertilizing with nitrogen means that the leaves are not robust enough. The location should not be too warm and not too dry. Spindle bushes in the bucket are therefore often susceptible to the lid scale.

Is it advisable to use chemical clubs on the spindle bush?

chemical pesticides or Pesticides should always be last resort be. They harm the environment and here, too, there is no guarantee that the cover scale insect will be completely eradicated. On the other hand, you are better off making your own mixtures, for example based on rapeseed oil. Soapy water can also eliminate the parasites. Most home-made pesticides clog the scale insect's airway and it dies within minutes.


Caution: Lid scales quickly become resistant

The cap scale quickly becomes resistant to pesticides. For example, once treated with soapy water and eliminated, the offspring may later have developed resistance to it. Therefore, in the event of a recurring infestation, use other means to combat the scale insect.

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