The best care tips for a healthy plant

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Appearance and function of the astilbe root

The astilbe (prachtspiere) has no typical root, but a richly branched, vertically growing rhizome. Fine roots grow from its nodes, which cover the water and nutrient requirements of the plant. In addition, runners form on it, which ensure the spread of the plant.

What does the root system of astilbes look like?

The Astilbe has no normal roots, but forms perpendicular rhizome. Roots grow from their knots and sprout runners, which the plant can use to nourish itself and spread. The root system stays just below the surface of the earth. Every spring it shows something new sprouting. Even after a radical cut in spring, the astilbe drives out vigorously from the rhizomes.

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How do astilbe roots stay healthy?

The earth around the roots must constantly wet be so they don't dry out. Because then the above-ground part of the Dry out astilbe. But it is also allowed no waterlogging around them, then there will be putrefaction. It is therefore important:

  • shady to more shady Location
  • Water as soon as the top layer of soil dries
  • a thick layer of mulch to prevent evaporation

In addition, the roots need a lot of nutrients so that the perennial can spread with their help. The ideal fertilization: plenty of compost in spring.

What speaks for bare-rooted astilbes from the trade?

The rootware allows the provider space-saving storage and simpler, more cost-effective shipping. There are two advantages for the buyer: less plastic waste and better growth all year round in the bed than at Astilbe in the pot.

How do I plant purchased rootstock?

Planting astilbe root is incredibly easy, but it should immediately take place. Once you have your hands on the locally purchased or ordered bare root astilbe, do the following:

  • immediately open the protective film
  • check the condition of the roots, especially moisture
  • if necessary, moisten roots
  • trim damaged specimens
  • dig a well at the site
  • Insert roots and cover with excavation
  • top root part should just below the surface of the earth lay
  • pour finally
  • immediately with optimal care begin

How to propagate astilbe from roots yourself?

You can see an overgrown astilbe that may have bald spots inside dig up in spring and the divide rhizome. Plant varieties that are tall Height can reach, at least 50 cm apart, low growing min. 25 cm.


Encourage rooting with compost

In order for your own propagation from roots to succeed, you should carefully dig out the root system of the Astilbe so that it is not damaged. A handful of compost in the new planting pit provides a first growth spurt.