How bees use flowers

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Are chrysanthemums bee friendly?
Chrysanthemums are particularly valuable to bees when they have single flowers. wild forms of chrysanthemum provide nectar and pollen. Autumn chrysanthemums are a late food source for bees when they have single flowers.

Do bees like to visit chrysanthemums?

Bees usually feel not particularly attracted to chrysanthemums. Especially when it comes to summer flowering sorts acts, the bees prefer to look for other plants. But if the food supply is scarce, bees do not stop at chrysanthemums, but like to refresh themselves with the nectar that is available.

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Which chrysanthemums provide bees with plenty of food?

The wild forms The chrysanthemum provides bees with plenty of food in the form of nectar and pollen. Bred varieties can also be interesting for bees. It should be chrysanthemums, the simple and unfilledblossoms exhibit. These include, for example, the following varieties:

  • 'Hebe'
  • 'Gold Marianne'
  • 'Dernier Soleil'
  • ,Poetry'
  • 'Oury'
  • 'Clara Curtis'
  • 'Ceddie Mason'
  • 'Mary Stoker'

Which chrysanthemums are unsuitable for bees?

The chrysanthemums with filled flowers, which come in numerous forms and Colors available in nurseries are very impressive, but worthless to bees. The stuffed blossoms Chrysanthemums offer bees neither nectar nor pollen or they don't even get to the center of the flower due to the dense stock of petals. Such varieties therefore usually fulfill a purely visual purpose for humans. in one bee friendly garden such specimens therefore have no place.

Why can chrysanthemums be valuable to bees?

Lots of chrysanthemums bloom first late in the year between October and November and are thus a last source of food for bees. Most of the other flowering plants have already withered at this time of year and the food supply for the bees has almost dried up.

In particular, the autumn chrysanthemums become a great gift for the bee world when they are unfilled Have flowers and continue to bloom happily on the balcony, terrace or in the garden until the end of November may.

Should you avoid double chrysanthemums altogether?

One must not do without double, pompom-like chrysanthemums to do something good for the bees. If you would like to plant double varieties that do not provide food for bees, create a balance. Place bee-friendly plants next to the chrysanthemums. These include lavender, hyssop, thyme, sage, oregano,
savory, marigolds, and zinnias Nasturtium. Would you rather see of plants like double roses, dahlias and geraniums away.


Single chrysanthemums - bee friendly and easier to care for

The varieties of chrysanthemums with wide-open, single flowers are not only bee-friendly, but they are also usually less susceptible to disease.

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