Aphids on the banana plant

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How do you recognize aphids on the banana plant?

A typical symptom of an infestation with aphids are the curled and/or stunted leaves the banana plant. Also black or brown dots – due to the puncture sites – can occur. Furthermore, a sticky plaque, the honeydew, to the infestation. This is often followed by ants.

How do you get rid of aphids on the banana plant?

Aphids are usually combated by using the infested plant in the shower shower vigorously. However, this is often not possible with banana plants because the pests like to sit inside the leaf axils - if water gets in there, the plant can rot. There are various on the market spray – also on an ecological basis such as neem oil – available, which are very effective against pests. link u=control-aphids]Treat[/link] the banana plant according to the instructions on the packet. However, severely affected leaves should be cut off.

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Are there home remedies for aphid infestation on banana plants?

However, there are also a number of effective home remedies against aphids that are also well tolerated by banana plants. For example:

  • nettle manure: Self-made link u=brennnessel-versus-blattlaeuse]Common nettle manure[/link] helps against a variety of pests and also provides the plant with important nutrients. Periodically water the banana with the diluted manure.
  • coffee or tea grounds: These agents can be used both as fertilizer and against aphids and other pests. You can also occasionally water the plant with black tea.
  • Curd or soft soap: This can be used to make a great spray, which you can use to spray the affected areas several times.

Can you fight aphids on banana plants with beneficial insects?

In addition, you can also let beneficial insects fight the aphids on the banana plant. Like eating

  • Ladybird larvae
  • parasitic wasps
  • gall midges
  • hoverflies
  • gall wasps

aphids or their larvae and decimate the pest infestation in a completely natural way. Banana plants in the garden can be treated by passing through a ecological gardening, setting up insect hotels and planting suitable flowering plants attract the beneficial insects mentioned. In addition, many Buy beneficials - for example in the garden trade or in specialized online shops - and apply specifically to the infested plants.

How do you prevent aphid infestation on bananas?

Aphids usually appear on already weakened banana plants that can no longer defend themselves against the invaders. The plant can be weakened by a wrong location or care mistakes. You can therefore prevent an aphid infestation by removing the plant

  • on a warm, dry and sunny day Location place
  • correct hibernate
  • avoid excessive moisture and waterlogging
  • fertilize sufficiently


Which pests can still occur on the banana plant?

Not only aphids occur on banana plants, but also shield or Mealybug up very often. The symptoms as well as the treatment are very similar to those described in the text, which is why you can proceed in the same way.