The best watering for basil

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How often do I need to water basil?

Unlike many other herbs, basil has a high water requirement. It has to be regular at least every two days, to be cast. In the Summer is a daily watering essential for basil because the plants are very thirsty.

What happens if you don't water basil enough?

If basil is not watered regularly and the roots dry out, the plant withers and becomes prone to Diseases. In most cases, basil that is not watered regularly cannot be saved and goes in. The Pour is the most important care measure, so that basil thrives well and a rich harvest delivers.

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  • Pour basil
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How does basil react to waterlogging?

If basil is watered too vigorously or if the water cannot drain away, the plant will react root fungi and moldy earth. waterlogging is watering absolutely to avoid.
We recommend draining excess water about 30 minutes after watering. A saucer placed under the pot can catch the excess water. For plants in outdoor or in raised bed is on a high quality and sufficiently permeable Earth to respect.

Should I add fertilizer to the irrigation water?

Since basil must always be supplied with sufficient nutrients, it is a good idea need-based fertilization at. The fertilizer can be added to the irrigation water, but it is better to use an organic one long-term fertilizer into the soil or into the top layer in the raised bed.
Will basil in hydroponics drawn, a suitable fertilizer should be added to the water that is regularly withered.

Should basil be poured from above?

basil should not poured from above become. Watering from below is much better for the kitchen herb. This is done differently:

  1. Plants in pots: Pour the irrigation water into the cachepot or onto a saucer and pour off the excess after about 30 minutes. Then the roots are sufficiently soaked with water.
  2. Plants in raised beds/outdoors/greenhouse: Always use the watering can to distribute the water under the leaves so that they do not get wet. Moisture on the tender leaves can encourage the development of fungal diseases.


Repot basil from the supermarket

Basil bought in the supermarket usually looks more or less puny after just a few days. One of the reasons for this is that the pot is usually too small and the plant cannot optimally regulate its water balance. Repotted and divided into two planters, the root system has more space and can supply the leaves with the water they need much better.