Cut off the basil blossoms: an important care measure

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Should you cut off the flowers of basil?

Cutting off basil flowers is always then to recommend, if you want to continue benefiting from a growing plant and a bountiful harvest.

What happens to basil when it blooms?

When basil is in bloom, happen to that care-intensive kitchen herb two things:

  1. The basil stops growth.
  2. The taste of the harvested leaves is significantly less aromatic and slightly bitter.

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This bitter Although the taste is unusual, it is not harmful and the leaves can still be consumed without hesitation. It is almost strange that perennial basil the The taste not changed – only annual plants are affected.

How can flowering be delayed?

In order to delay the formation of flowers or, in the best case, even to prevent them, one should value one from spring onwards regular harvest of the Mediterranean culinary herb. At the latest when a bud can be seen, the right time to harvest has come. There is a courageous one cut off of the shoot tips is definitely preferable to hesitant or hesitant plucking, which leaves bare shoots standing.

Another advantage of this regular pruning instead of plucking is that the basil grows much bushier as a result.

Can seeds be obtained from the flowers?

It's easy possible, from the cut basil flowers to gain seeds. This is very practical, since most varieties in this country cannot overwinter and new plants have to be grown next year.
To do this, the flowers, which are filled with seeds in autumn, are cut off after they wither. The withered petals are then crushed with your fingers over a bowl. The black seeds finally come to light through repeated sieving. These are kept dark and cool until sowing in spring.

Can I also let basil bloom?

Of course it is possible, the blossoms Don't cut off the basil. This is how the royal herb (the term is an alternative name) is used if you want to enjoy the look of the plant and not primarily the harvest the tender leaves are gone. Especially in a natural or cottage garden, the blooming in different colors creates a beautiful feast for the eyes. And insects are also happy about the flowers, as they find valuable food in them.


Use the flowers in the kitchen

Anyone who has discovered blossoms on their basil does not have to dispose of them after cutting them off. The delicate flowers with their slightly bitter aroma are edible and the commonly heard assumption that they are poisonous is simply wrong. They are suitable for decorations and as an ingredient in salads. In addition, a fine basil blossom vinegar can be made from it with white wine vinegar.